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10 Janary 2019

appropriate size well for his boat. After he was tied up he was asked by a fellow member to move his boat. The new member went through the inconvenience of moving his boat since he was not sure if the fellow member had the authority to ask him to move. The board discussed the matter and felt that the club rules should be followed regarding well availability on a first come basis. Any dispute should be discussed with the OD at the time who has the authority to make the final decision. After much discussion it was decided that letters would be sent to both members. Commodore Ian read a request from a long standing member asking if they could hold their daughter’s wedding on the island. In order to not set precedence of using the club for free it was decided that the club should charge a fee and that the fee should be waived for this member that has done much for the club.

A band that has been contracted to play on August 10 is asking if they could stay in the rooms the night of the engagement. Much discussion took place.

Motion : Moved by Dale Hall and seconded by Brian Fringer that the matter be tabled until the February meeting so Commodore Ian has a chance to consult P/C Brian McEvoy who is the OD that weekend. Motion Carried.


Tom Huntley No report and Tom advised he will be on vacation and not in attendance at the February meeting. Clubhouse John Sweier No formal report. John advised he would like to swap out all lights with LED and that he was going to contact DTE to see if can be done at no cost .John also suggested that the club look into reducing waste by purchasing glasses and a glass dishwasher. Much discussion took place regarding the pros and cons and John advised that he and Frank will put together a committee to research the matter and bring their findings to the board Harbor & Grounds Tom Altobelli No report Membership Debbie Siwek Motion : Moved by Debbie Siwek and seconded by Dale Hall to accept membership of David Rumusut. Motion Carried

Debbie Siwek also got commitments for interview assignments for remaining applicants and stated she would call one new applicant to gauge their interest.

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