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10 Janary 2019
Motion Moved by Brian Fringer and seconded by Frank Corcoran to put the incoming rendezvous guidelines to the policy committee. Motion Carried
Jefferson Beach Rendezvous on DYC Week end: A discussion took place to refer to the GMM guidelines regarding visiting yachtsman. After much discussion regarding how many boats we can accommodate and in which wells, a Motion was moved by Dale Hall and Seconded by V/C Bill Calihan to allow 20 boats in guest wells provided that they are sized appropriately. Motion Carried. Port Clinton Yacht Club: A discussion took place to allow Port Clinton yacht club to visit the island on July 24 and 25. It was decided they cannot stay the night of Thursday July 25 to allow space for members that may come in early for the weekend.
Cleveland Yacht Club: Frank suggested that Cleveland yacht club be contacted before approving Port Clinton to see if there are any conflicts in the dates.
By Laws Discussion After discussion Frank said he will e mail the current By Laws to the board for review .Frank asked that the board provide input prior to the February meeting. Frank will then meet with the committee and request that their recommended changes be presented at the May 9 board meeting.
Weekend Work Schedule OD’s and Team Frank advised that OD’s are already in place and he is working with them to put teams in place.
2019 Committees and Assignments Commodore Ian presented the 2019 Committees and assignments to the board. Motion Moved by P/C Randy Pagel and seconded by Debbie Siwek to approve the 2019 Committees and assignments. Motion carried Commodore’s Ball Commodore Ian provided a handout of the agenda for the 2019 Commodore’s Ball and presented the program.
High 5’s None
Member of Month None
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