Spring is in the air! We will soon all be together at the club. LadiesWeek, this year is June 14 th . Please join Renee for a jammed packedweek of fun!! FirstMates membership is still available. The deadlinewasMarch 31 st to be included in the 2015 roster, but membership is always open. Dues are $20. Contact Cathy Jarvis at . Please encourage anyonewho is not currently a FirstMate to join a great group of women!!! Spring is here andwork parties are well underway, please come to the club and led a hand, lots to do andwe need you. Please come and share your time, treasurers and talentswith us. Our next membershipmeeting is scheduled for Saturday, May 23 rd at 10:30am in the clubhouse. Please join us at 10am for a continental breakfast, everyone is welcome. All are invited to our annual “Welcome Reception” immediately following the FirstMates general membershipmeeting. This year’s theme is “Gilligan’s Island”. Join us for drinks and appetizers. As alwayswe are asking all FirstMates to please bring your favorite appetizer to pass, and of course remember to use a disposable container for easy clean up. All arewelcome. Also don’t miss the Flag Raising Ceremony Sunday, May 24 th at 1pm. All Past Presidents are invited: please remember towear your uniform. Last but not least the Boatique will be openMemorial weekend. Please stop in and check out all the great newmerchandise. Jill as usual has done an outstanding job purchasing items for this year’s Boutique. Respectfully, Cathy Criner
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