March 2014 Beacon

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 10

with hundreds of non-paid volunteers. The volunteers are required to pay for their own uniforms, life jackets and other equipment they may need. Their fund raisers are important to help these volunteers to pay for the supplies that are needed. Their main focus this year will be watch for drunk drivers on the water. The alcohol limit has been lowered from 1 to .08 this year, the same as driving a car. They urge all boaters to have a safety sticker on their boats. They indicated that they will not stop a boat that has the sticker. This is for the sheriff department only and does not include the Coast Guard. The Federal Government gave a $850 grant to this association for a new boat. There are still tickets available for the Midland Rendezvous. Please support Rick Romatz and attend this event.


A letter was received from the First Mates asking for a donation for their Fashion Show. The board has donated in the past.

Motion: Moved by Don Reiss to send the First Mates a donation of $500 for their Fashion Show. Seconded by Randy Pagel.

Motion Carried.

Great Lakes Cruising Club wants to come to NCYC for the weekend of August 22nd & 23rd. This will be sponsored by Yvonne Murray. They will have a dinghy cruise on Saturday, entertainment on Saturday night as well as a dinner on Saturday and a breakfast on Saturday and Sunday. All NCYC members are invited to these events. There will be a charge for dinner and breakfast.

Motion: Moved by VC Brian McEvoy to approve Great Lakes Cruising Club to come to NCYC on August 22nd & 23rd with a maximum of 20 boats. Seconded by Don Reiss.

Motion Carried.

Jefferson Yacht Club wanted to come to NCYC on August 15th/17th. They will have about 20 - 25 boats.

Motion: Moved by Bob Carnaghi to approve Jefferson Yacht Club to come to NCYC on August 15th/17th. Seconded by Don Reiss.

Motion Carried.

Nautical Mile Yacht Club would like to visit NCYC on August 15th/17th. Since there is a conflict with another club coming on that weekend, Bob Carnaghi will contact them with other available dates.

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