March 2021 Beacon

A Message from Chaplain Mark Javery

The months of January and February brought loss and grief to several families of NCYC. Passing into eternal rest were longtime members Al Durand on January 2nd and Patricia Santavy on January 14 th . Please continue to keep Ruth Durand, PC Jim & Sandra Angers, as well as their entire families in your thoughts and prayers. On February 6 th Donna Kuhr’s mother Shirley F Russell passed into eternal rest. Keep Steve and Donna and their family also in your thoughts and prayers during this time of loss and mourning. At the time of this writing member Kevin Quinn is anticipating hip replacement surgery on February 24th. Pray for Kevin to have a successful procedure and quick recovery. I am not aware of any other NCYC members suffering loss, hospitalized, or under the weather as of this communication. I pray our membership is safe as we all get through winter here in the cold north or during travels, hopefully to somewhere warm.

February Musings….

As I sit at my computer looking outside it is cold, damp, and gloomy. A snow storm named Nathaniel is approaching from the south. Pure Michigan in February I guess. February is the month in which my wife and I always try to escape the cold for a couple of weeks and as it turns out we are blessed with great NCYC friends we can stay with in Florida.

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