March 2021 Beacon
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January 14, 2021
Finance Committee Tabled till February
Cash Reserve Committee Chairman P/C Bill Calihan
Bryan Kenzie 3 rd year Greg Criner 2 nd year Julie Busch 1 st year Elected officials
2. Project to backfill along new walkways R/C Dale Hall and Tom Altobelli have been in discussions with BP Marine and will possibly discuss options with the man who owns the tugboat next to the island. Possibility of pulling dirt from the canal. Looking at various options. May include this task during the elite brigade.
3. A-Dock Extension Project R/C Dale Hall and Tom Altobelli are working with BP Marine on this project.
4. Security Cameras For Off Season Tabled till February
High 5’s None Member of the Month None. Good of the Order.
*Amend November minutes in the executive session to include two 1 year terms for Debbie Siwek and Melissa Winkler as directors on the board. Voted on to replace 2 vacancies after resignations received. Motion by: R/C Dale Hall Second by : P/C Bill Calihan Motion : Carried by all *Debbie Siwek asked if Commodore Glenn Nixon will include in his article to declare that weekly OD hours are not included as weekend work hours. *P/C Bill Calihan congratulated commodore Glenn Nixon on a successful first meeting. *Commodore Glenn Nixon has completed all appointments and they have been submitted to Gary Jialanella.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:24 pm Motion by: P/C Bill Calihan Second by: R/C Brian Fringer Motion: Carried by all.
Next Meeting
Date and Time: Thursday February 11, 2021 @ 7:00 pm location to be announced
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