May 2024 Beacon

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes April 11, 2024 Page 7 of 8


Shelley Sweier

Current Waitlist Applications:

1. Mark Stiers & Jacquelyn Lane 2. Joe & Mary Ann Simon 3. Nicholas Berry 4. Jim & Linda Thomson 5. Kevin Geier & Amanda Smoger

6. Michael & Terri Carbone 7. Norwood & Connie Bates 8. James Hardy


Melissa Winkler

Melissa presented a brief review of miscellaneous administrative items.


Mark Javery

Mark provided an update on

Supplies Shelly Schroka Shelly provided a detailed report of liquor purchases in recent years and 2024 opening inventory. She requested Board input on reducing the scope of liquor inventory items maintained at the bar.


Tom Lisowski

Tom presented an update on Fin fleet status.

II. OLD BUSINESS 1. Project Update: A- Dock & Battleship Row ---

Motion: Philip Maniaci to recommend proceeding with A dock repairs. Second: RC Steinmacher. Motion Carried

2. Island Propane Tank: VC Burkardt provided a brief update status on the generator/propane supply. 3. Dues Increase 2025: Deferred to a later meeting.

III. NEW BUSINESS 1. Lake St Clair Donzi Club Request July 26, 9-11am Fun Run 2 nd stop. Motion: Christa Betts to approve request. Second: Shelley Sweier. Motion Carried

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