NCYC April 2021 Beacon
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February 11, 2021
Motion by: Debbie Siwek Second by : P/C Bill Calihan Motion : Carried by all Stephen & Kathie Sherman Motion by: Debbie Siwek Second by : V/C Dale Hall Motion : Carried by all Trevor & Elizabeth Trelfa Motion by: Debbie Siwek Second by : Al Douglas Motion : Carried by all
Approve John Prochaska extension on dues Motion by: Debbie Siwek Second by : V/C Dale Hall Motion : Carried by all
Melissa Winkler
Melissa is still waiting on login info for the Beacon, she is still having a difficult time getting the help she needs to navigate the Beacon and Roster. Is there a way to make the Roster not so repetitive? Melissa is looking at the cost of multiple printing of the same information. Glenn will reach out to the First Mates President to see if these items can be simplified. Is there a list of past advertisers in the Beacon? V/C Dale Hall said he is not sure a list exists. V/C Dale Hall will assist Melissa with past advertisers. Debbie will send all updates that she has for the Beacon. The weekend OD schedule has been completed and a copy of the schedule has been sent to all weekend OD’s. Gary has been working on weekend schedules and is about 90% completed. Gary has been organizing files and he has been updating the weekend OD training manual, that should be completed next month. Gary is planning a training session the opening week of the club and asked if Al Douglas would be interested in assisting. Gary still needs the username and password to access the membership link, Melissa will check to see if she can give access. Melissa will assist Gary on a fanout to notify all weekday and weekend OD’s about the training date, tentatively the first opening Saturday of the year. Secretary Gary Jialanella
Al Douglas
Al now has bank access; he can now access LARA and they have a new website that will go into effect February 22 nd . Al has been working with Dale and Gary to learn the lay of the land. Al is also working on a new POS system but that will be tabled to the March meeting.
Tom Lisowski
No Report
Fleet Captain
Scott Goemmel
Scott sent Commodore Glenn Nixon a list of potential Weekday rendezvous. Commodore will table this to the March meeting.
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