NCYC April 2021 Beacon
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February 11, 2021
P/C Bill Hendricks has an amplifier available. Al has a member of The George Brothers Band that will come over the first Elite Brigade to the island to assist with the sound system and he will also supply a quote on redoing the sound system. 2. OD Manual Updates Tabled to April 3. OD and Week Manager Training Plan Previous discussion: Saturday noon of opening weekend 4. Weekend Incoming Rendezvous Approval of Sand Pointe rendezvous incoming rendezvous during the weekend of our outgoing rendezvous. Discussion: Commodore Glenn Nixon, V/C Dale Hall and R/C Brian Fringer will schedule a Zoom meeting with Sand Pointe to discuss whether the rendezvous will be allowed. 5. Harbormaster Job Description Tabled to April High 5’s None Member of the Month None. Good of the Order. *Keep Scott and Kathy Bell in your thoughts and prayers. *Commodore Glenn Nixon will talk to 1 st Mate President Ellen Alcazar about 1 st Mate projects and Ellen will be invited to join the meeting in March.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:07 pm Motion by: Bill Burkhardt Second by: Dennis Alcazar Motion: Carried by all.
Next Meeting
Date and Time: Thursday March 11, 2021 @ 7:00 pm location to be announced
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