NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes

13 September 2018

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Darryl Campbell reported he’s no longer able to manage the wells and is looking for a replacement. Doesn’t have to be done by board member. Tim O’Brian has reportedly volunteered to take over. Debbie Siwek made a motion to approve, second Tom Altolbelli. Motion Carried . A discussion pursued about the appropriate rules for leasing a well but not keeping your registered boat in a well. It was agreed the contract needs to be reviewed to ensure it’s clear only a member’s boat that has the MC numbers listed on the contract can park in the well. Finalize incoming rendezvous/poker run presentation for October GM meeting Commodore Pagel passed out financial document explaining the revenues generated from the incoming rendezvous. Asked if the board is comfortable with showing the membership. V/C Blackburn discussed some ideas regarding ideas for next year. Glen Nixon commented we need more information in the OD manuals pertaining to guest dockage. Dale Hall commented about having a beginning of the year banquet for weekday and weekend managers for incentive to sign up for these responsibilities. Would include discussions and a review of the procedures and manuals. Need to train the mangers on how the club is run. Dale Hall took on the assignment to investigate this. 10 year and 5 year forward plan R/C Calihan passed out the forward planning project list for board review and approval pertaining to the five and 10-year plans. Scott Greenfelder made a motion to approve. Seconded Brian Fringer. Motion Carried. Approve 2019 Budget to be presented at the October GM meeting Finance committee met and approved budget. Brian Fringer passed out the budget. Not a lot of changes to the proposed budget we made. Prior budgets always put dockage revenue into H & G. It will now go into the treasure’s funds. Mentioned the few changes that were made. Scott Greenfelder made a motion to pass 2019 budget, seconded Darryl Campbell. Motion Carried. Passed out 2019 Capital projects list and discussed. Approved funds up to $109K for roofing and $40K for siding. Scott Greenfelder made a motion to approve, second P/C Carrol. Motion Carried. Good of the order Tom Altobelli suggested we investigate the proposal to start charging guest for day dockage. V/C Blackburn requested we hold off until October GMM. Member of Month P/C Jim Angers for taking care of Direct Energy account over past 3 years. Dianne French for coordinating this year’s golf outing Adjournment MOTION: Moved by R/C Calihan and seconded by to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried The meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m. Next Meeting Date and Time: Thursday, 11th October 2018, 7:00 p.m. Location: TBD

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