North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022
202 4 North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster
202 4 Membership and Fleet Roster North Channel Yacht Club Built in 1866 Established in 1964 Southwest corner Intersection of the North Channel Tributary to the St. Clair River and the Chenal A Bout Round Near Algonac, MI Island Phone: 810-794-0000 and 810-794-0100 Commodore Rick Romatz, PC 28312 Emerald Court Chesterfield, MI 48047
Table of Contents Messages from the Flag 4 - Commodore’s Message
6 - Vice Commodore’s Message 9 - Rear Commodore’s Message 12 – Chaplain Comments
Club Leadership and Organization 1 6 - Organization Chart 1 8 – Board of Directors 2 2 – Appointments 2 3 – Committees Club Governance 2 7 – NCYC By Laws
52 – NCYC Rules and General Club Policies 78 – NCYC Traditions
Historical and Club Information
8 4 – Historical Marker Designation and Club History
8 7 – Past Commodores 92 - Past Flag Officers, Directors, & Fleet Captains Schedule Information 10 5 - O.D. and Weekend Work Schedule 1 0 9 - Weekday Schedule 1 11 - Weekend Events
Membership Directory
1 1 2 – Membership Directory 216 – Boat Names
Ancient Mariners
222 – Information and leadership 226 - Roster
First Mates Information
232 - First Mates By-laws 246 – First Mates Leadership 248 – First Mates Membership
NCYC Awards
2 57 – Spirit Award 2 59 – Hatzenbuhler Award 2 62 - Fraternal Order of the Anchor
Messages From the Flag
Commodore Rick Romatz, PC North Channel Yacht Club is truly the finest, Private, Member’s
only Yacht Club on these Great Lakes, from the tip of the cupola on the historic Clubhouse to the unique boating community that makes up its membership. The “Spirit” of the North Channel Yacht Club is in fact characterized by the strong Fellowship and Camaraderie of the people associated with this Club both in the past as well as the present. Jill and I were married in late fall of 1994 where we receive a wedding card from long time member and my cousin Ed and Diane Romatz a name known to many from the NCYC Family. Inside that card was a check made out to North Channel Yacht Club for the initiation fee, so we immediately turned in our application and were added to the waiting list and became members in March of 1995. We had many friends at NCYC, we jumped right in with both feet getting involved in club events and the many theme parties and rendezvous and enjoying the camaraderie the club had to offer. In the fall of 1998, I was elected to the 1999 Board of Directors where I served as Membership Director until 2002 when I was elected to Rear 4
Commodore and moved through the Flag seats until I was Commodore in 2004. My mission is to support the continuation of this club’s respectful tradition, to promote health, safety, fun, and respect for all participants in its membership and most of all to maintain The North Channel ‘Spirit”. My motto is “People who play and work together . . . stay together” therefore my wish for this year is that we have some good, clean and heartfelt fun while relaxing on our “Island in the Sun!” Here We Go Again! Jill and I along with our family would like to express our appreciation to the Flag, Board of Directors, and the Membership for their continued support Thank You for giving us the opportunity to serve on the Flag and Board of Directors for a 2 nd time. “Even more in 2024”. I could not be prouder than to represent this Awesome Club as Commodore in 2024. We will Cherish the many Friendships that we have made and continue to make for the rest of our lives.
Respectfully 2024 Commodore PC Rick Romatz
Vice Commodore Bill Burkhardt Susan and I recently got re acquainted with boating PK (Post
Kids). We always loved the lake and being out with friends on the water. We had been by and/or visited the North Channel Yacht Club, (NCYC) and were always taken by the beauty and charm of the island. Never did I think we would ever become members. Then one fateful day, then Commodore Randy Pagel invited us to the island for a visit. Shortly thereafter hounded us relentlessly to join. Looking back, we were nervous and not sure if we were “Yacht Club” people. Once we joined, we found the people were warmer and more welcoming than we could have ever imagined. We were both amazed at the comradery and teamwork displayed by the membership. One of my first memories would happen during, and directly after a storm. That evening, once the storm passed, the island looked like a war zone. Yet the next morning when we awoke, (rather late I might add), it was “like it never happened.” We were so impressed with the community that is NCYC that at that point we were all in. 6
This has led to both Susan and I serving on the First Mates and NCYC Boards. Our membership has been a rich and rewarding experience for both of us. As your Rear Commodore, I vow to keep the welcoming and fun spirit of the club alive and well. If you are a newer member, get involved you will not regret it. Start small if you want, the rest will come naturally. The rendezvous’ is a great way to get to meet people and have a lot of fun. I promise the friendships you will make will last a lifetime. Bill Burkhardt Vice Commodore
Rear Commodore Terry Steinmacher
I found out about the North Channel Yacht Club through friends of mine. They constantly spoke about this place they would go to hang out on their parent’s boat. He was the up-and-coming Commodore and enjoyed this island type setting called the North Channel Yacht Club. I found it very intriguing and started asking questions since I was starting to get back into boating and was a single father looking for a place to go other than the bays. I have heard about all the friendships that were formed and the comradery at North Channel. So, in 2012, I filled out my application, was interviewed, I was very impressed with the process and the team that performed my interview. I was accepted shortly after and became a member. My son and I immediately started to enjoy this little piece of heaven called the North Channel Yacht Club. With a fishing pole in hand, my son would cast out and catch pikes, a few walleye, and net an occasional turtle that linger in the depths around the club. I was amazed when he returned that he said a member taught him to 9
use this lure, that bait, and so it begin. I started to participate, offered up my services to cook corn at an event that they called Smoke on The Water. Little did they know I was going to turn it into a corn roast and was welcomed to do so. Prior to the event as I walked around the island as members started showing up on the fins with their BBQ’s/Smokers crated up so they could compete in the rib cook off. I was truly amazed that they went through all this trouble just to do some cooking on the island. It didn’t take long to figure out that these people meant business at this rib cook off event. I was impressed by the club members and how collectively they come together to work either at a club event, or a work party. I have met so many lifelong friends from either being out on the dock cooking on my George Forman, or behind the 5’ grill with my partner in crime Kathy Fowler, dishing out corn, wings, legs, or tending bar. The comradery is second to none when working side by side with members at North Channel events. I have been known for introducing new cocktails to people I probably shouldn’t have as well as the corn roast, soupy Sunday, matching outfits, shoes, and watches. The supplies Director knowing somehow that Steinmacher was on the island over the weekend by the stock in the liquor room, and another member introducing me to peanut butter and jelly with jalapenos, the first mates persuading me to cook 150 baked potatoes for their event. As I was thinking I was making my mark at North Channel Yacht Club, it was actually making a lifelong mark on me.
I have served as Safety Officer and Harbor and Grounds Director since 2021. When I asked how I should go about this position, I was told to think of it as your own backyard, with a budget to boot. Well that’s all I needed to hear, then the transformation began. I was Elected Rear Commodore in 2023, and looking forward to serving the members. I promise to bring the same passion to the position as I did when serving as Director. Each member is unique and brings their special talents to the club, so get involved as much as you can and start making your own mark at North Channel Yacht Club. Bring your family and your friends to enjoy this slice of heaven that we call North Channel Yacht Club.
2024 Rear Commodore Terry Steinmacher
Chaplain: Mark Javery North Channel Yacht Club is so
much more than a historical building sitting on the North Channel and the Sni Bora Waterways in Clay Township, MI The world we live in today fills our lives daily with worry, hate, noise, uncertainty, and chaos. Then there is the stress of trying to balance our family, work, and spiritual lives. For us, NCYC has been a God-Send. It is close to home but seems a world away. As God is our spiritual refuge for our soul, our island, which is a beautiful example of God’s creation, is a refuge for our earthly bodies. It is a place you can pray, reflect, and cast your worries away. Like the clear blue waters flowing past our island, let it go… We are blessed with the fellowship and camaraderie of our membership as we work and play together with the common purpose building relationships along the way. The essence of life is in our relationships with God and others. Do take time for the simple joys of life. Enjoy the island, take a deep breath, and simply ‘be’. 12
Our North Channel Yacht Club is more than a physical place, it is the membership. For these things we are truly blessed.
Club Leadership and Organization
Bill Burkhar d t
Dale Hall
Harbor & Grounds
Membership Transportation
John O' Leary
Tom Lisowski
Shelley Sweier
Mark Javery
Christa Betts
Insurance Committee
Guidelines, Policies & Traditions Committee P/C Denise Huntley
P/C Bob W atson
P/C Rick Romatz
Christa Betts
Harbor Master
Bultynck & Co.
Mark Javery
Gary K napp
Frank Corcoran
P/C Brian Fringer
I NCYC Membership I
"'-- ....J..... • JSQ
Commodore Rick Romatz, P/C
Rear Commodore Terry Steinmacher
Fleet Captians
G ary and She ll y
Phili p Maniaci
Shelly Schroka Melissa Winkler
Bill Frederiksen
Forward Planning
By Laws
Reserve Fund
Nominating Committee
Mark Ja v ery
P/C Dale H all
R/C Terry
P/C Brian Fringer
Kid's Day Chairman
Fleet Surgeon
Safety Officer
Shel b y Romatz
Terry Steinmacher
Romatz Family/ Jill Romatz
Ann Malik
Doug Betts
Burgees &
IT Officer
Pins Manager
Bill F r ede r ik s e n
Jill Romatz
P/C Scott Bell
Colleen Braun
202 4 Board of Directors
Shelley Sweier Membership
Mark Javery Secretary
Philip Maniaci Activities
Christa Betts Treasurer
John O'Leary Harbor & Grounds
Melissa Winkler Publications
Shelly Schroka Supplies
Bill Fredericksen Club House
Tom Lisowski Transportation
Fleet Captains Gary and Shelly Schroka
Flag Officers Commodore
Rick Romatz
586 944-9334 Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Past Commodore
Bill Burkhardt
586 914-0711
Terry Steinacher
586 615-1497
Brian Fringer
734 309-1069
Board of Directors Treasurer
Christa Betts
586 216-2042 Secretary Activities
Mark Javery
586 322-9445
Phillip Maniaci 586 703-6885 Clubhouse
Bill Frederiksen 248 894-1953 Harbor & Grounds
John O’Leary
810 499-9125
S he lley Sweier
248 330-2141 Publications
Melissa Winkler 248 396-1878 Supplies
Shelly Schroka 586 944-6977 Transportation
Tom Lisowski
586 321-9857
Board Recorder
Frank Corcoran 248 709-9224
2024 Committees Forward Planning Committee, R/C Steinmacher – Chair Mike May P/C Hugh Vestal Brian Roath
Ken Lipowski Mark Javery
Finance – Chair, Christa Betts P/C Ian Blackburn
P/C Hugh Vestal PC Brian Fringer Steve Marten Tony Rybinski Frank Corcoran
Traditions/Policies – Co-Chairs: V/C Romatz, P/C Huntley
P/C Ian Blackburn P/C Harley Burris P/C Dale Hall P/C Brian McEvoy P/C Tom McHugh P/C Glenn Nixon Cheryl Swatosh Larry Malik
Insurance – Chair, P/C Bob Watson P/C Tom McHugh
P/C Bill Calihan Tony McHugh
By-Laws – Chair, Mark Javery Commodore P/C Rick Romatz
P/C Denise Huntley P/C Brian McEvoy Greg Brigman
Nominating – Chair, P/C Dale Hall P/C Ian Blackburn
Julie Busch Ron Kemp P/C Brian McEvoy
Cash Reserve – Chair, P/C Fringer Commodore Rick Romatz (Honorary Member)
Janet Briles 1 st YR Steve Kuhr 2nd YR Brent Malik 3 rd YR
Point of Sale System – Chair Shelly Schroka P/C Ian Blackburn P/C Brian McEvoy
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North Channel Yacht Club Governance
North Channel Yacht Club By-Laws Revision History
Revision Date
Revised By
Purpose and Description
Glenn Nixon Secretary
Incorporated changes passed by membership at October 17 Membership Meeting. Also, several instances of punctuation and spelling errors corrected. Reversed the changes to dates in Article IX forward planning committee. Accepted all changes as approved by Board in March Board meeting
Glenn Nixon Secretary
Glenn Nixon Secretary
Font and formatting changes only
March 12, 2020
Frank Corcoran Secretary
Updated for four By-Laws approved by membership, October 2019. Updated document approved by BOD March 12, 2020 Updated Article IV approved at the October 10, 2021 General Membership Meeting
October 10, 2021
Gary Jialanella
ARTICLE I. NAME The Name of this organization shall be the North Channel Yacht Club, hereafter referred to as the Club. ARTICLE II. PURPOSE The purpose for which the Club is formed is to operate exclusively for pleasure and recreation in fostering and stimulating interest in all forms of boating activity, to preserve the Club’s historical site including the building and grounds, to aid the members of the Club to improve their knowledge of boat handling and navigation, to provide the Club’s members an opportunity for social relaxation and fellowship with others as a basis for maintaining a common interest in boating and to expand that interest to other yachting organizations, no part of the net earnings of which shall inure to the benefit of any private member. ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP The definition of a member of the North Channel Yacht Club is as follows: Membership consists of individuals and/or married couples while residing at the same legal address. 28
Section 1. The members of the Club shall be classified as follows:
Charter Charter members shall be those members on the Club records as of January 1, 1968. Boating Boating members shall enjoy full privileges of membership, including the holding of office and the right to vote. Non-Boating members shall be entitled to all privileges including the holding of office and the right to vote except for docking. Non-Boating memberships will be available only to Boating and Junior Members in good standing for at least five years. The Board of Directors shall be empowered to limit the number of non-Boating members. Senior Senior members shall be those members who meet the following criteria: 1. Have been a member prior to January 1, 1997. 2. Have reached the age of 62. 3. Have paid full dues for a period of 120 months minimum. Senior members shall enjoy full privileges of membership, including the right to vote and hold office. 29 Non- Boating
Junior Junior membership shall be available to the immediate family of current members in good standing between the ages of 18 and 25 years of age. Junior members shall enjoy limited privileges or extension of age limits of membership as determined by the Board of Directors; however, they shall not hold office or vote. Junior members in good standing for at least 5 years, may join as non-Boating members. Applications for membership in the Club shall be completed online at the NCYC website. The two NCYC sponsors listed on the application will be contacted by the Membership Director, once the application is accepted for review, to confirm their participation. A nonrefundable deposit is required with the completed application. This deposit will be credited towards the initiation fee when accepted as a member of N.C.Y.C. The sponsors shall have been a member in good standing for at least one (1) year. The Applicant will be interviewed by a member of the Board of Directors and an assignee who must be an active member in good standing. The application must then be submitted to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will review the applicant qualifications and if two or more negative votes shall be cast, membership shall be denied. Applicants for membership in the Club shall be person of the boating fraternity willing to join us in achieving our goals and stated purpose. In the event of a full Club membership, a waiting list shall be established. The prospective members shall be assigned a position on the waiting list. It shall consist of pertinent information and the names of the sponsors. 30
Section 2. A.
C. Both spouses shall likewise be a member of the North Channel Yacht Club and shall have the same status and privileges. A membership shall only have one membership number, one membership type, one LOA status, and one vote. Only one person from the membership can hold office on the NCYC Board of Directors at a time. Memberships in the North Channel Yacht Club are not transferable. In the event of death, the membership shall remain with the surviving spouse. In the event of divorce, it is incumbent on both parties to notify, in writing, the Membership Director within 90 days of the divorce being final, as to which party shall retain the membership. Failure to do so will constitute resignation of the membership of both parties. In the event of said resignation each party, or the party not retaining membership, shall have the right to apply as a new member in accordance with Article III, Section 2, Paragraph A. Upon approval of the Board of Directors, be granted membership regardless of membership limit. Any membership status changes must be requested in writing prior to January 1 st . Section 3. Members shall have the right to purchase alcoholic beverages on the premises of the Club. The Club shall comply with all established rules of the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS OFFICERS The Flag Officers shall be Commodore, Vice-Commodore, and Rear-Commodore. 31 D. E. F. G. The Calendar year will be from January 1 to December 31. H.
Only members in good standing who have been elected to and served a full term as Vice- Commodore, Rear-Commodore, or a full term as Director prior to taking office shall be eligible for the office of Commodore. Only members in good standing who have been elected to and served one full year as a Director prior to taking office shall be eligible for the office of Vice-Commodore and Rear-Commodore. Only members in good standing for at least two (2) years prior to taking office shall be eligible for the office of Director. ARTICLE V. FEES, DUES AND PENALTIES Section 1. Initiation fee and annual dues: A. The initiation fee will be determined by the Board of Directors. B. The annual dues as determined by the Board of Directors and approved by two thirds of the members voting will be voted by a ballot and counted at the Haul Out Membership meeting. The secretary will send out a written notice to all members 30 days prior to voting. The secretary will then send a voting ballot out at least 10 days before the General Membership Meeting at Haul Out. Section 2. Any member in arrears for dues or any indebtedness for 30 days after they become payable shall be so notified by the appropriate Chairman at their last given address, and all membership privileges posted in the official publication of the Club and/or in a conspicuous place in the clubhouse. If such dues or indebtedness due to the Club shall not be paid within 60 days, it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to expel such member. If any member shall resign or be expelled from the Club for any 32
reason whatsoever, all of his right, title and interest in or to the assets or property of the Club shall revert and be forfeited to the Club without further action. Members of the Club shall be directly responsible to the Club for all damages done to the property of the Club by themselves or their guests and for the conduct of their guests, and shall pay such sum as ascertained by the Board of Directors to compensate the Club for such damage or misconduct within 30 days of receipt of a bill for same. An up-to-date list of expelled, resigned and Leave of Absence members shall be posted on the bulletin board in the clubhouse. Section 3. A special or penalty assessment may be proposed by the Board of Directors at any regular or special Board meeting. Section 4. The Board of Directors by a vote of seven (7) in favor of suspension, may suspend any member for violation of the rules of the Club, or acting in a manner improper to the best interest of the Club. The suspension shall be for a period to be fixed by the Board, but shall not be for a period greater than three (3) months. The suspended member shall enjoy none of the privileges of membership and shall not be allowed to enter the Club property owned or leased, during the period of suspension. EXPULSION The Board of Directors shall have the authority to expel any member suspended, and in all cases of expulsion for non-payment of dues, assessments, or other indebtedness to the Club. If the reason for suspension is other than dues, assessments or other indebtedness, the Board shall notify the member of the violation(s) 33
and reason(s) for the proposed expulsion and the time and place the suspended member may be heard. The meeting between the suspended member and the Board will be held not less than ten (10) days after date of notification. The Board shall hear the member relate reasons assigned for his/her expulsion and may expel such member upon a vote of not less than seven (7) in favor of expulsion. Section 5. Terminated members who were in good standing at the time their membership terminated, may be reinstated to the membership status by paying the current initiation fee plus current dues and fees, or by paying all dues, fees and assessments since the date of termination. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to determine if any membership was terminated in either good or bad standing. A member terminated in bad standing is not eligible for reinstatement, except at the discretion of the Board of Directors. LEAVE OF ABSENCE The Board of Directors shall have the authority to grant any member in good standing a Leave of Absence without penalty for one year upon written request of the member. Upon written request, the Board shall also have the authority to extend the Leave of Absence for a second year. No additional Leave of Absence shall be granted beyond two years, except for good cause as presented by the member, and upon a vote of the Board of Directors of not less than seven (7) in favor of an additional Leave of Absence. In the event that any member is not granted a Leave of Absence, or extension thereof, then he or she must then pay all dues, costs and penalties then due and owing and accept the duties and obligations of membership or resign.
Section 6. Annual dues and assessments for Senior members will be reduced by 50 percent. Section 7. Annual dues and assessments for Junior members will be determined by the Board of Directors. Section 8. Annual dues and assessments for Non-Boating members will be reduced by 50 percent. ARTICLE VI. GOVERNMENT Section 1. The entire government and management of the Club shall be vested in the Board of Directors, which shall consist of nine Directors, three Flag Officers and immediate Past Commodore. Section 2. The term of office of Directors shall be for three years with three Directors being elected each year plus those Directors required to fill vacancies. Directors will serve in the following manner: 1. The three members receiving the highest number of votes will be elected to the regular three-year term of the Board of Directors. 2. The member receiving the next highest number of votes will fill the longest unexpired term etc., until all positions on the Board of Directors are filled at the time of the election.
Section 3.
The annual period of office for all Flag Officers and Directors shall be from January 1 st through December 31 st . Section 4. The membership has the right to recall any elected official. Upon petition of 15 percent of the active membership in good standing, an official ballot will be prepared and sent to each member in good standing and voting shall be by the official ballot method as provided in Article VII, Section 6 and 12 of these By-Laws. Two thirds affirmative vote of the members shall recall the subject official. ARTICLE VII. NOMINATIONS, ELECTIONS, BALLOTING AND MEETINGS Section 1. The annual business meeting and election of Officers shall be held during the month of October.
A minimum of 15 percent of the voting members in good standing shall be required to elect officers and members of the Board of
Directors. Section 2.
A Nominating Committee composed of five members in good standing, none of who shall be Flag Officers or on the Board of Directors, shall be appointed annually by the Board of Directors at least three months prior to the date of the annual election. Section 3. The Nominating Committee will provide one candidate for Commodore, one candidate for Vice- Commodore, two candidates for Rear-Commodore and two candidates for each Board position to be filled except as provided for in Sections 5 and 11 of this 36
Article. It is understood that the current Vice- Commodore will be the preferred candidate for Commodore and the current Rear Commodore will be the preferred candidate for Vice-Commodore. The Nominating Committee shall ascertain the eligibility of all nominees through the Membership Chairman, then obtain verbal acceptance from the nominees, and forward their recommendations to the Board of Directors no later than the regular August meeting for approval. Additionally, the Nominating Committee must nominate at least two (2) lay members to run for the Cash Reserve Fund Standing Committee as per Article XIII herein. Section 4. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SHALL SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF ALL NOMINEES AND OR PROPOSED BY- LAW AMENDMENTS TO THE MEMBERSHIP AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO BALLOTING. Section 5. Flag Officers and Directors must be elected from recommendations of the Nominating Committee except that a name may be placed on the ballot if presented by petition of at least 15 percent of the active membership in good standing and presented to the Secretary at least 21 days before the annual election meeting. Section 6. Official ballots will be used for election of office and voting on certain proposals. The ballots for election shall contain the names of the candidates officially nominated, the offices to which they have been nominated, and the date and time of the election meeting. Ballots for proposals shall contain the exact and complete wording of the proposal. The Secretary shall prepare and send an official ballot to each member in good standing at least ten days prior to the meeting at which such election or voting 37
is to be held. Two envelopes will be sent with each official ballot; (a) a plain, inner envelope with no identifying marks, and (b) an outer envelope pre- addressed to the Secretary with a place for the member’s name and roll number in the upper left hand corner. The member must seal his/her ballot in the plain, inner envelope, then enclose it in the official outer envelope, marked with his/her name and number before the start of the election meeting. Section 7. The Secretary or acting Secretary, with the help of two members of the Board of Directors shall check the name appearing on the outer envelope to determine that the member is in good standing. If so, the sealed ballot will be placed in a container to be delivered to the Teller Committee. Section 8. The Teller committee shall be appointed by the Commodore on the day of the election meeting and shall consist of five members in good standing, none of whom is currently an Officer of the Club or on the Board of Directors or a candidate for office. The Commodore shall appoint a Committee Chairman and apprise the Teller Committee of its duties and responsibilities, including the positions to be filled, Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Rear Commodore and three Directors, plus any incomplete terms to be filled, along with the method of tabulating the ballots. Section 9. The Teller Committee shall tabulate the ballots during the business meeting and the Chairman of the Committee shall then announce the tabulation results of the election to the membership, including the name, number of votes received by the winners, office to which elected and length of term, where applicable. 38
Section 10. A recount of the ballots may be requested by any candidate or his duly appointed proxy, also a recount of a proposal may be requested by any member in good standing, prior to disposal of the ballots. Such request must be made immediately and such recount may be witnessed by any one Flag Officer, if so requested by the candidate or proxy. Section 11. In the case of a vacancy of the Board of Directors, the Board shall, at their next regular meeting, or a special meeting called for that purpose, nominate and elect an eligible member to hold office until the next annual election meeting. The vacated office shall then be filled for the balance of the original term by election in accordance with the applicable provisions stated in Articles IV, VI, and VII herein. Vacancy in a Flag Office shall be filled as follows (at the next regular Board meeting, or a special meeting called for that purpose, following such vacancy): All Officers below the vacated position will assume the next higher office for the completion of the term. The offices of Rear Commodore and Vice- Commodore may be merged or an eligible member may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, be appointed to the office of Rear-Commodore until the next annual election. An appointed officer shall not accede to higher office by being placed unopposed on the ballot at said election. Section 12. All meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order. Special membership meetings may be called by the Commodore, the Board of Directors, or upon written petition signed by at least 15 percent of the members in good standing. The time and place
for holding such meeting, if called by the Commodore or Board of Directors, shall be designated by the Board of Directors and, if petitioned for by members of the Club, at such time and place as shall be designated in such petition provided, however, notice as hereinafter required shall be given in any event. Notice in writing shall be issued by the Secretary for all regular and special membership meetings at least ten days prior to the date of any such meeting. Notice of special membership meetings shall specify the objects of the meeting and no matters other than those specified shall be considered. Section 13. A general membership meeting shall be held during the months of May, August or September, and October, at which time it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors and all Committee Chairmen to report to the members on the progress to date, and plans for the Club’s activities. ARTICLE VIII. DUTIES Section 1. Commodore. A. Responsible for the overall management of the Club, sets the annual agenda (schedule of events) including priorities for meetings, directors, appointments and committee leaders’ assignments. B. Leads all General Membership, monthly board meetings setting the agenda and priorities utilizing Roberts Rules as a governance tool. C. Promote and develop increased Club membership by hosting other affiliated clubs, attend ABYA, ILYA and other yachting association functions promoting NCYC and goodwill. D. Ensure the planning and budgeting for the future is carried out in accordance with the wishes of the members. 40
E. Be visible and available to listen and address Member’s issues in a timely manner. Use a “Management by Wandering Around” approach seeking membership feedback and input. F. To sign or countersign checks with one of the following: Vice Commodore, Treasurer. G. Demonstrates good working knowledge of the By-laws, policies, and the duties of all Directors, office holdersand subcommittees. Section 2. Vice-Commodore. A. Assist the Commodore in the overall administration of the Club and act in the absence of the Commodore as necessary. B. Serve on the Board of Directors with the general responsibilities of Board members and in accordance with Board policies and procedures. C. To serve as coordinator of all activities of chairmen of committees assigned to report to the Vice-Commodore by the Commodore. D. May sign or countersign checks with one of the following: Commodore. E. Assist Transportation, Harbor & Grounds and Clubhouse Directors with planning, budgeting, and operations, as set forth in Board Policies and Procedures. F. At the September Board of Directors meeting, present for consideration, a list of capital projects to be completed the following year. Apart from an emergency, the list shall be created from projects identified on the Forward Planning Committee’s previous or current year Five Year and Ten-Year Plan. Revised: October 2019
Revised: October 2019
Section 3. Rear-Commodore. A. Assist the Commodore and Vice Commodore in the overall administration of the Club and act in the absence of Commodore and Vice Commodore. B. Serve on the Board of Directors, with the general responsibilities of Board members in accordance with Board Policies and Procedures. C. To serve as coordinator of all activities as Chairman of Forward Planning Committee and other committees assigned by the Commodore and Vice Commodore. D. Assist Supplies, Publications and Activity Directors with planning, budgeting and operations, as set forth in Board Policies and Procedures. Revised: October 2019
Section 4. Fleet Captain and or Safety Officer. A. To plan all Club boating activities.
B. To report any safety violations to the officer in command.
Section 5. Board of Directors. A. Shall have the entire control and management of the business, property, and all affairs of the Club, and are responsible for the enforcement of the By-Laws. All interpretations of the By Laws, where
necessary, shall be the sole responsibility of the Board of Directors. It is also empowered to make spelling corrections to the By-Laws without general membership approval.
B. Appoint qualified delegates for one year to any association to which the Club may be entitled to representation.
C. Review and approve applications for membership in the Club and accept resignations. They shall have full power to expel, suspend and reinstate members. All resignations must be in writing. D. Appoint for one year all such committees as they shall deem necessary for management of the clubhouse, properties, and dockage, except as otherwise provided herein.
E. Appoint a Youth Activities Chairman.
F. To hold at least one meeting each month at a regular fixed time. Special meetings may be called upon written request to the Commodore by three members of the Board of Directors.
G. Seven members of the Board shall constitute a quorum, including at least one Flag Officer.
H. A Board member who shall absent himself from three consecutive monthly meetings of the Board, unless he shall have previously obtained permission from the Board to do so, or shall present at the next monthly meeting an excuse for his absence satisfactory to the majority of the Board present, shall automatically cease to be a member thereof.
I. They shall cause to be examined the financial accounts of the Club within 90 days after the closing of the Club's fiscal year. Such
examination shall be conducted by an independent accounting firm appointed by the Board of Directors. The scope of the examination shall be a Review as defined by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The accountant's report for the prior year Review shall be presented at the general membership meeting held during the month of May.
J. They shall amend the By-Laws as deemed necessary, subject to approval of the membership as outlined in Article XI of this document.
K. To approve all contracts entered into on behalf of the Club.
Section 6. Secretary. A.
To keep records of the proceedings of all membership meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors, with names of all present. To keep correct roll of all members as reported by the Membership Chairman.
To sign all Club identification cards.
To record committee appointments.
To conduct all official correspondence of the Club and, if not initiated by the Secretary, to obtain a file copy of same from the initiating Officer or Director. Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, either elected or appointed. To file all documents, records, reports and communications connected with the business of the Club. Shall notify all members of all general meetings and election at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of said meeting or election.
Shall turn over to a successor, promptly upon retirement from office, all records, accounts, supplies and funds belonging to the Club.
Section 7. Treasurer.
Account for all sources of Club income through oversight and supervision of collections and pay all authorized amounts. All major expenditures are to be budget appropriated or shall have had prior authorization from the Board of Directors. Keep cash accounts current, reconciled, and preserve and maintain proper voucher files and supporting documentation for all payments from and charges to each such bank account. Prepare and present monthly cash basis financial statements to the Board of Directors and make available for membership review the same such information on the Club’s official Website. Inform the Board of Directors of any financial irregularities identified in the Club’s financial affairs and ensure proper financial controls are maintained. Prepare and file with the proper regulatory authority all financial returns, reports, forms, etc. as required including: 1. Monthly State Sales and Use Taxes. 2. Annual Federal Tax 990 Return. 3. Ad Valorem and Personal Property Taxes. 4. Michigan Liquor Control Commission License renewal and audit. 5. State Charitable Gaming License Prepare and present financial reports or other similar matters as required by the Board of Directors or Flag Officers including projected operating and improvement budget at any special 45
or general membership meeting.
G. Authorized to cosign checks with either the Commodore or Vice-Commodore. In order to make timely deposits and withdrawals, an outgoing Treasurer shall promptly obtain and present for use from all Club depositories, transfer of signatory approval forms to the newly elected officers. Outgoing Treasurer shall promptly turn over to a successor all records, accounts, supplies, and funds belonging to the Club. Revised: October 2019 [Section 8, Independent Auditor, deleted, October 2019] Section 9. Delegates. To report to the Board of Directors the results of all meetings which they are required to attend. ARTICLE IX. FORWARD PLANNING COMMITTEE The Forward Planning Committee shall be composed of six members, the Club Secretary, and the Rear-Commodore. Each member appointee, shall be appointed for a three-year term, except for the year 2001 where the Board of Directors shall appoint, at the January Board of Directors meeting, six members to the Forward Planning Committee, two for a three-year term, two for a two-year term and two for a one-year term. The Board of Directors after 2001, shall, at the January Board of Directors meeting appoint two replacement members to the Forward Planning Committee. In the case of a member resignation, the Board of Directors shall H. I.
appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of the open term. The Forward Planning Committee shall be responsible for the development of a “Five year and Ten-year Plan” to guide the Board in future Club projects and maintaining continuity with current programs. The Forward Planning Committee shall hold at least three meetings before presenting their plans for consideration at the September Board of Directors meeting for approval.
The Rear Commodore shall present the approved “Five and Ten year” plan at the October General Membership meeting.
Revised: October 2019 ARTICLE X. BURGEE
None other than vessels registered with the Fleet Captain, in commission, and not chartered to non- members, and under the command of a Club member, shall have the privilege of flying the Club burgee. The Club burgee of the North Channel Yacht Club cannot be changed in color or graphic design. Burgee description consists of four colors with a white field using black letters along with a red border on top and blue border on bottom. Other use of the burgee when applied to apparel, hats or patches, sewn appliqué or embroidery sewn as part of garment, when in more than one color, must follow color and graphic design. Printing in one color must follow graphic design and printing in full color must follow both color and graphic design. For design layout, reference Club records.
Any amendment to the By-Laws proposed by the membership shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors at any meeting and if accompanied by petition of 15 percent of members in good standing, shall be included in the call for the annual meeting or any special meeting of the Club called for that purpose. Voting for amendments shall be by the official ballot method as provided in Article VII, Section 6 of these By-Laws, and must be approved by two-thirds of the members voting in order to be adopted. Upon such vote, the proposed amendment shall become a part of the By-Laws. ARTICLE XII. SALE OF CLUB ASSETS Assets such as furniture, plants and equipment owned by the Club, which have prudently been determined to be no longer used and useful, may be sold or otherwise disposed of with the approval of the Commodore provided that its market value is less than $200.00. The approval of the Board of Directors is required for any asset sales greater than $200.00 of market value but equal to or less than $5,000.00. All sales and disposals in excess of $5,000.00, except significant real estate sales, shall be approved by a vote of the membership at a General Membership Meeting. Significant real estate sales shall be approved by the official ballot method as provided in Article VII, Sections 6 & 10 of these By-Laws and must be approved by two-thirds of the members voting. Significant real estate sales are defined as a sale of real property assets that make up 20% or more of the Club’s total booked assets. The Treasurer will be responsible for determining the appropriate market value or booked asset value for application of the required approval level. ARTICLE XIII. CASH RESERVE & MAJOR CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FUND
The Cash Reserve & Major Capital Expenditure Fund is hereby created to set aside monies to be used for Long-Term Major Capital expenditures in excess of $10,000, intended to preserve, restore, or protect the clubhouse, Club properties, or other principal Club assets. COMMITTEE The Committee will consist of the immediate Past Commodore, the Commodore, and three lay members. The immediate Past Commodore will chair the Committee. Upon creation of the Committee the term of the first lay member shall be three years, the term of the second lay member shall be two years, and the term of the third lay member shall be one year. Thereafter, the term of each lay member shall be three years with one lay member retiring from the committee each year. The membership shall elect a new lay Committee member each year from at least two candidates presented by the Nominating Committee. In the event of a vacancy on the Committee, the Board of Directors shall appoint an eligible member to fulfill the remainder of the vacant term. Each Committee member must be a voting member-in-good- standing of the Club for at least two years. A member may not be elected or appointed who has served on the Committee in any of the previous three years. THE FUND The fund shall be maintained by deposit of at least 15% of the annual Club Membership Revenues into a separate account by December 31 of each year, plus any gifts, bequests, or contributions earmarked for the Fund. The Committee and Club Treasurer will jointly determine the type of account and the financial institution to be used, and the total balance of the account will be a minimum of $50,000 and will not exceed $500,000. Notwithstanding such minimum requirement, the Fund Committee and Board of Directors may jointly agree to temporarily waive this requirement upon the occurrence of an event
deemed to be a significant threat to the Club’s assets and ongoing operations. Disbursements from the fund will not exceed 50% of the balance at any one given time. The Board of Directors may decline any gift, bequest, or contribution that it determines is not in the best interest of the Club. The Club Treasurer will report fund transactions and balances along with the periodic Club Treasurer’s Report. The Board of Directors must request disbursement of funds from the Cash Reserve & Major Capital Expenditure Fund Committee and the Committee must determine that the request meets the requirements for disbursement as outlined above before approval.
We care about your community. Because it’s our community too.
Dan & Dianne Aitken, NCYC Members
St. Clair
Grosse Pointe
33970 23 Mile Road
1107 Clinton Avenue 710 Notre Dame
Membership in the Club includes: Member, Junior Member and Member dependents under 21. Only members in good standing may use the club facilities. MEMBERSHIP START DATE FOR NEW MEMBERS: The date to be recorded for the membership official start date will be the date that the NCYC Board and Flag vote the person in as a Member. The membership date will not be related to money transaction dates. ANNUAL DUES PAYMENT: Establish January 31 as the date payable for annual dues amount. Annual dues amount paid after March 1 are subject to a 25% late charge. NCYC By-Law Article V, Section 2 As required under Article V, Section 2, if the annual dues amount is not paid by March 1, membership privileges are suspended. Further, if full amount owed (including late charge) is not paid by March 1, it is the duty of the Board of Directors to expel such Member. MEMBERSHIP WORK REQUIREMENTS: Each Member is required to work his or her minimum obligated hours as determined by the NCYC Board of Directors (BOD).
Current NCYC BOD approved work hour requirements: Boating and Non- Boating Members: 20 hours per Membership (16
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