North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022
use this lure, that bait, and so it begin. I started to participate, offered up my services to cook corn at an event that they called Smoke on The Water. Little did they know I was going to turn it into a corn roast and was welcomed to do so. Prior to the event as I walked around the island as members started showing up on the fins with their BBQ’s/Smokers crated up so they could compete in the rib cook off. I was truly amazed that they went through all this trouble just to do some cooking on the island. It didn’t take long to figure out that these people meant business at this rib cook off event. I was impressed by the club members and how collectively they come together to work either at a club event, or a work party. I have met so many lifelong friends from either being out on the dock cooking on my George Forman, or behind the 5’ grill with my partner in crime Kathy Fowler, dishing out corn, wings, legs, or tending bar. The comradery is second to none when working side by side with members at North Channel events. I have been known for introducing new cocktails to people I probably shouldn’t have as well as the corn roast, soupy Sunday, matching outfits, shoes, and watches. The supplies Director knowing somehow that Steinmacher was on the island over the weekend by the stock in the liquor room, and another member introducing me to peanut butter and jelly with jalapenos, the first mates persuading me to cook 150 baked potatoes for their event. As I was thinking I was making my mark at North Channel Yacht Club, it was actually making a lifelong mark on me.
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