North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022

C. Both spouses shall likewise be a member of the North Channel Yacht Club and shall have the same status and privileges. A membership shall only have one membership number, one membership type, one LOA status, and one vote. Only one person from the membership can hold office on the NCYC Board of Directors at a time. Memberships in the North Channel Yacht Club are not transferable. In the event of death, the membership shall remain with the surviving spouse. In the event of divorce, it is incumbent on both parties to notify, in writing, the Membership Director within 90 days of the divorce being final, as to which party shall retain the membership. Failure to do so will constitute resignation of the membership of both parties. In the event of said resignation each party, or the party not retaining membership, shall have the right to apply as a new member in accordance with Article III, Section 2, Paragraph A. Upon approval of the Board of Directors, be granted membership regardless of membership limit. Any membership status changes must be requested in writing prior to January 1 st . Section 3. Members shall have the right to purchase alcoholic beverages on the premises of the Club. The Club shall comply with all established rules of the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS OFFICERS The Flag Officers shall be Commodore, Vice-Commodore, and Rear-Commodore. 31 D. E. F. G. The Calendar year will be from January 1 to December 31. H.

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