North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022
reason whatsoever, all of his right, title and interest in or to the assets or property of the Club shall revert and be forfeited to the Club without further action. Members of the Club shall be directly responsible to the Club for all damages done to the property of the Club by themselves or their guests and for the conduct of their guests, and shall pay such sum as ascertained by the Board of Directors to compensate the Club for such damage or misconduct within 30 days of receipt of a bill for same. An up-to-date list of expelled, resigned and Leave of Absence members shall be posted on the bulletin board in the clubhouse. Section 3. A special or penalty assessment may be proposed by the Board of Directors at any regular or special Board meeting. Section 4. The Board of Directors by a vote of seven (7) in favor of suspension, may suspend any member for violation of the rules of the Club, or acting in a manner improper to the best interest of the Club. The suspension shall be for a period to be fixed by the Board, but shall not be for a period greater than three (3) months. The suspended member shall enjoy none of the privileges of membership and shall not be allowed to enter the Club property owned or leased, during the period of suspension. EXPULSION The Board of Directors shall have the authority to expel any member suspended, and in all cases of expulsion for non-payment of dues, assessments, or other indebtedness to the Club. If the reason for suspension is other than dues, assessments or other indebtedness, the Board shall notify the member of the violation(s) 33
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