North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022
Section 6. Annual dues and assessments for Senior members will be reduced by 50 percent. Section 7. Annual dues and assessments for Junior members will be determined by the Board of Directors. Section 8. Annual dues and assessments for Non-Boating members will be reduced by 50 percent. ARTICLE VI. GOVERNMENT Section 1. The entire government and management of the Club shall be vested in the Board of Directors, which shall consist of nine Directors, three Flag Officers and immediate Past Commodore. Section 2. The term of office of Directors shall be for three years with three Directors being elected each year plus those Directors required to fill vacancies. Directors will serve in the following manner: 1. The three members receiving the highest number of votes will be elected to the regular three-year term of the Board of Directors. 2. The member receiving the next highest number of votes will fill the longest unexpired term etc., until all positions on the Board of Directors are filled at the time of the election.
Section 3.
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