North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022
Article. It is understood that the current Vice- Commodore will be the preferred candidate for Commodore and the current Rear Commodore will be the preferred candidate for Vice-Commodore. The Nominating Committee shall ascertain the eligibility of all nominees through the Membership Chairman, then obtain verbal acceptance from the nominees, and forward their recommendations to the Board of Directors no later than the regular August meeting for approval. Additionally, the Nominating Committee must nominate at least two (2) lay members to run for the Cash Reserve Fund Standing Committee as per Article XIII herein. Section 4. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SHALL SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF ALL NOMINEES AND OR PROPOSED BY- LAW AMENDMENTS TO THE MEMBERSHIP AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO BALLOTING. Section 5. Flag Officers and Directors must be elected from recommendations of the Nominating Committee except that a name may be placed on the ballot if presented by petition of at least 15 percent of the active membership in good standing and presented to the Secretary at least 21 days before the annual election meeting. Section 6. Official ballots will be used for election of office and voting on certain proposals. The ballots for election shall contain the names of the candidates officially nominated, the offices to which they have been nominated, and the date and time of the election meeting. Ballots for proposals shall contain the exact and complete wording of the proposal. The Secretary shall prepare and send an official ballot to each member in good standing at least ten days prior to the meeting at which such election or voting 37
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