North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022
Section 10. A recount of the ballots may be requested by any candidate or his duly appointed proxy, also a recount of a proposal may be requested by any member in good standing, prior to disposal of the ballots. Such request must be made immediately and such recount may be witnessed by any one Flag Officer, if so requested by the candidate or proxy. Section 11. In the case of a vacancy of the Board of Directors, the Board shall, at their next regular meeting, or a special meeting called for that purpose, nominate and elect an eligible member to hold office until the next annual election meeting. The vacated office shall then be filled for the balance of the original term by election in accordance with the applicable provisions stated in Articles IV, VI, and VII herein. Vacancy in a Flag Office shall be filled as follows (at the next regular Board meeting, or a special meeting called for that purpose, following such vacancy): All Officers below the vacated position will assume the next higher office for the completion of the term. The offices of Rear Commodore and Vice- Commodore may be merged or an eligible member may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, be appointed to the office of Rear-Commodore until the next annual election. An appointed officer shall not accede to higher office by being placed unopposed on the ballot at said election. Section 12. All meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order. Special membership meetings may be called by the Commodore, the Board of Directors, or upon written petition signed by at least 15 percent of the members in good standing. The time and place
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