North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022
necessary, shall be the sole responsibility of the Board of Directors. It is also empowered to make spelling corrections to the By-Laws without general membership approval.
B. Appoint qualified delegates for one year to any association to which the Club may be entitled to representation.
C. Review and approve applications for membership in the Club and accept resignations. They shall have full power to expel, suspend and reinstate members. All resignations must be in writing. D. Appoint for one year all such committees as they shall deem necessary for management of the clubhouse, properties, and dockage, except as otherwise provided herein.
E. Appoint a Youth Activities Chairman.
F. To hold at least one meeting each month at a regular fixed time. Special meetings may be called upon written request to the Commodore by three members of the Board of Directors.
G. Seven members of the Board shall constitute a quorum, including at least one Flag Officer.
H. A Board member who shall absent himself from three consecutive monthly meetings of the Board, unless he shall have previously obtained permission from the Board to do so, or shall present at the next monthly meeting an excuse for his absence satisfactory to the majority of the Board present, shall automatically cease to be a member thereof.
I. They shall cause to be examined the financial accounts of the Club within 90 days after the closing of the Club's fiscal year. Such
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