North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022

parking lot only.

The direction of the Fin Runner on weekends will be one way with the direction of traffic.

SMOKING : The entire Clubhouse is a Non-Smoking facility, i.e. cigarettes, cigars, pipes, vaping and electronic cigarettes. This includes the 2nd and 3rd floors. Further, to support and remain consistent with the US Coast Guard ruling that it is a federal offense to transport cannabis/marijuana via the waters of the Great Lakes therefore the use of cannabis/marijuana is strictly prohibited at NCYC in its entirety including Clubhouse, Grounds, Harbor and Boat wells. (Approved BOD 9/12/2019) BOATS : All Member boats must be identified in a fashion that can be seen from a distance either by flying NCYC burgee, and/or visible NCYC sticker. Non-Member boats (excluding approved poker runs) regardless of length of stay will be identified via day and/or overnight dockage pass obtained on the Island during sign in process. Should a Member boat not be identified via burgee and/or sticker, a temporary docking pass may be obtained in the Club House. All boats must be properly moored. A no-wake rule applies to the waters adjacent to the island and parking lot. The NCYC Commodore only, may leave boat on Island up to full time. FIREARMS AND FIREWORKS : No firearms or fireworks are allowed on the island except for signaling or salute devices for supervised events.




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