North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022

unattended when off the boat or visiting the island for any reason. The pet owners are 100% responsible for their pets. The NCYC will not be held liable for any pet actions to others. Pets will not be allowed inside the Clubhouse, Boatique or any other building on the island. Any pet waste must be picked up by the pet owner and put in the waste container or with his own rubbish. NOISE : All activities should be conducted with consideration of others. Late or early departures from the parking lot or docks should be made quietly. GENERAL : Overnight sleeping in the clubhouse is prohibited, except in an emergency. Minors under 18 years of age must vacate the bar lounge area by 9:00 P.M. Children 12 and under are not allowed in the clubhouse after 11:00 P.M. except to use restroom facilities or if the parents are present. All minors must vacate the clubhouse by 1:00A.M.


Sleeping rooms are not intended for long term occupancy, your stay is limited to no more than seven consecutive nights. Weekday Managers and Weekend O.D. only have jurisdiction over the club guest rooms during their assigned duration of duty. The managers must follow the priority list for assigning the rooms as stated below:

a. b.

Assigned Member Workers

Members, no advanced reservations are accepted.


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