North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022
use at or around NCYC. Approval for a request to lease a well or to renew a previously leased well is solely at the discretion of the Board of Directors. All interpretations of this policy, where necessary, shall be the sole responsibility of the Board of Directors. Any "special circumstances" deviation or exception to this policy must have prior approval of the Board of Directors. MAINLAND WELLS: Eligibility and Waiting List Active “Boating” members may qualify for one mainland well. Active “Non-Boating Members may request a position on the Non-Boating Waiting List but must upgrade their NCYC membership to “Boating” prior to leasing a well. The Seniority List of current lessees will be kept on record along with the Mainland Well Waiting List by the Member in Charge of the mainland well leases. Eligible members must contact the Member in Charge to be added to the waiting list for a well. Current lessees must contact the Member in Charge to be added to the waiting list for a well upgrade. Priority for all wells shall be: 1. Lessee of that well from previous season, presuming Lessee has complied with all terms of previous and current lease agreement and policy. Next eligible current lessee on the waiting list in descending order of seniority of continuous years of well rental. 2.
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