North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022
boat or a Member on board a guest’s boat, but not both.
Guest Privileges for Suspended or Expelled Members: Individuals that are Suspended, Expelled, applied for and been denied membership, or on Leave of Absence (LOA) are not permitted at NCYC as guests. Purchase of Alcoholic Beverages: By Michigan Law, only Members are allowed to purchase alcoholic beverages from the Bar. Guests and visiting Yachtsman are prohibited from purchasing alcoholic beverages from the bar. It does not matter if a guest registers at the club by signing a guest-register, as this does not make that person a bona fide member. Alcoholic liquor beverages may be sold only to bona-fide members who have attained the age of 21 years (MCL 436.1537.1c). POLICY FOR LATE FEES AND NSF CHARGES : Any Member in arrears for dues 30 days after they become payable shall be assessed a late charge as determined annually by the NCYC Board of Directors. Furthermore, any charges incurred by the North Channel Yacht club including but not limited to NSF check charges will be the responsibility of the Member. POLICY REGARDING MEMBERS THAT HAVE BEEN EXPELLED OR RESIGNED IN BAD STANDING: Former Members that have been expelled under Article V, Members abusing guest privileges will be notified by the Board of Directors and proper action will be taken.
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