North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022

Vice Commodore Bill Burkhardt Susan and I recently got re acquainted with boating PK (Post

Kids). We always loved the lake and being out with friends on the water. We had been by and/or visited the North Channel Yacht Club, (NCYC) and were always taken by the beauty and charm of the island. Never did I think we would ever become members. Then one fateful day, then Commodore Randy Pagel invited us to the island for a visit. Shortly thereafter hounded us relentlessly to join. Looking back, we were nervous and not sure if we were “Yacht Club” people. Once we joined, we found the people were warmer and more welcoming than we could have ever imagined. We were both amazed at the comradery and teamwork displayed by the membership. One of my first memories would happen during, and directly after a storm. That evening, once the storm passed, the island looked like a war zone. Yet the next morning when we awoke, (rather late I might add), it was “like it never happened.” We were so impressed with the community that is NCYC that at that point we were all in. 6

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