North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2024

and reason(s) for the proposed expulsion and the time and place the suspended member may be heard. The meeting between the suspended member and the Board will be held not less than ten (10) days after date of notification. The Board shall hear the member relate reasons assigned for his/her expulsion and may expel such member upon a vote of not less than seven (7) in favor of expulsion. Section 5. Terminated members who were in good standing at the time their membership terminated, may be reinstated to the membership status by paying the current initiation fee plus current dues and fees, or by paying all dues, fees and assessments since the date of termination. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to determine if any membership was terminated in either good or bad standing. A member terminated in bad standing is not eligible for reinstatement, except at the discretion of the Board of Directors. LEAVE OF ABSENCE The Board of Directors shall have the authority to grant any member in good standing a Leave of Absence without penalty for one year upon written request of the member. Upon written request, the Board shall also have the authority to extend the Leave of Absence for a second year. No additional Leave of Absence shall be granted beyond two years, except for good cause as presented by the member, and upon a vote of the Board of Directors of not less than seven (7) in favor of an additional Leave of Absence. In the event that any member is not granted a Leave of Absence, or extension thereof, then he or she must then pay all dues, costs and penalties then due and owing and accept the duties and obligations of membership or resign.


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