North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2024
Commodore Rick Romatz, PC North Channel Yacht Club is truly the finest, Private, Member’s
only Yacht Club on these Great Lakes, from the tip of the cupola on the historic Clubhouse to the unique boating community that makes up its membership. The “Spirit” of the North Channel Yacht Club is in fact characterized by the strong Fellowship and Camaraderie of the people associated with this Club both in the past as well as the present. Jill and I were married in late fall of 1994 where we receive a wedding card from long time member and my cousin Ed and Diane Romatz a name known to many from the NCYC Family. Inside that card was a check made out to North Channel Yacht Club for the initiation fee, so we immediately turned in our application and were added to the waiting list and became members in March of 1995. We had many friends at NCYC, we jumped right in with both feet getting involved in club events and the many theme parties and rendezvous and enjoying the camaraderie the club had to offer. In the fall of 1998, I was elected to the 1999 Board of Directors where I served as Membership Director until 2002 when I was elected to Rear 4
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