North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2024

1. 2. 3. 4. Termination of a member’s current lease agreement Refusal of NCYC to renew previous lease agreement Removal of an eligible member from the waiting list Change of position on the waiting list of an eligible member Must be approved by the Board of Directors MAINLAND WELLS: Insurance and Liability The vessel shall be insured by the lessee for liability with respect to persons and property. Evidence of current vessel registration and current insurance shall be furnished to NCYC. Lessee shall be solely responsible for the security, care, and condition of the vessel and all equipment. Well and parking lot use shall be at the sole risk of the lessee. Lessee waives and releases all claims against NCYC, its officers, members, and employees for personal injury and for the loss and property damage from any cause and agrees to indemnify NCYC for any damage it may sustain for the reason thereof. Lessee agrees to comply with the rules and the regulations stated and such other reasonable rules and regulations as NCYC may publish from time to time. NCYC cannot be held responsible for theft or damages to vehicles. MAINLAND WELLS: Rules and Regulations Lessee shall be responsible for: 1. Observance of all fire and safety precautions


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