North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2024
Section 4 of the By- Laws, or resigned in bad standing, are no longer permitted on the Club property.
POLICY FOR MEMBERS IN WAITING AND MEMBERS ON LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Leave of Absence: Members on Leave of Absence (LOA) are not permitted access to Club property. Members on LOA will be subject to a $50.00 per year membership maintenance fee which will include some access to the North Channel Yacht Club website, e mails, e-beacon, and relevant North Channel Yacht Club mailings. Prospective Members on Wait List: Prospective members with the required application deposit are considered guests. Prospective members are entitled to the same privileges as Guest and Visiting Yachtsman and will have member-sponsored access to the North Channel Yacht Club properties. By Michigan Law, only Members are allowed to purchase alcoholic beverages from the Bar. As such, prospective members are prohibited from purchasing alcoholic beverages from the bar until they are admitted to membership in accordance with the NCYC bylaws, pay annual dues, and have voting rights (MCL 436.1537.1c). POLICY FOR PAID JUNIOR BARTENDERS : Only those Junior Members scheduled, as a paid bartender will be allowed behind the bar with the weekend or other scheduled work crewmembers. The Michigan Liquor Control Commission only allows Junior Members that are 18 years or older to bartend. Junior Member bartender
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