November 2014 BEACON
First Mates Report The NCYC First Mates Appreciation Dinner was held November 13 at Fern Hill Country Club. Over 50 First Mates and guests attended the event. Thanks to everyone who attended, donated raffle prizes, and made donations to CARE House. The evening was a great success! A BIG Thank You to Diane Marten, 2014 Social Director for a Job Well Done!!! That night the 2015 Board of Directors were installed. Your new board is as follows: President Mary Marini Vice President Marie Pepin Treasurer Sheila Nixon Corresponding Secretary Dianne Corcoran Membership Director Cathy Jarvis Social Director Linda Pagel Boatique Director Jill Romantz Publicity Director Cathy Criner Past President Kathy Bell Reminder: Our next membership meeting will be held on Saturday May 23, 2015 at the NCYC Club House. Thanks for allowing me to be your Publicity Director this past years. Wishing everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING, A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS , AND A HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR! Respectfully submitted, Linda Pagel Publicity Directory
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