November 2022 Beacon
North Channel Yacht Club November 2022 Beacon
From The Flag, Thank you to all the members that came out for the Fall Work Parties. Special thanks to the First Mates and all the ladies that provided lunch for our work party weekends. The club officially closed on October 9 th however, as you all know a lot of work goes into closing and winterizing the clubhouse and the grounds every year. As we reflect on the great boating season of 2022, we have much to be thankful for. We were able to make some nice improvements to the island and to the clubhouse. This Fall we have once again paid to have the willow trees topped and cleaned up to remove dead branches. The replacement carpet has been installed on the first floor of the clubhouse as well as the hallway on the second floor. This will provide a new, fresh look to the inside of the building next year. In some cases, improvements make some of the exterior items easier to winterize. For example, the pieces of the dock extension at the Northeast corner of Battleship Row are much lighter and better constructed making them easier to remove and store. Changes will also be incorporated in the last 120 feet of the Robison Seawall and docks to enable the dingy dock and the kayak dock to be more easily installed and removed. One of the projects for 2022 was to address the structural problems with Fin 2. The Board of Directors made a decision to repair the vessel instead of a huge budget impact to replace it. We are happy to report that after a full season in the water and over 600 hours of transporting members and friends across the North Channel, the boat looks great. Fin 2 has been winterized and shrink-wrapped and after this article, we have included several pictures of the boat’s hull for your viewing pleasure. Our membership continues to be very strong, and we are continuing to monitor the wait list to ensure we adhere to a maximum of 190 paid boating members along with our additional Senior Members and Non-Boating Members. In last month’s Beacon, the Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting Minutes outlined the fact that the BOD voted to increase the Initiation Fee for new members to $2000. All members that submitted their application prior to August 19, 2022 will be grandfathered in at the previous price. Please be aware that this increase is clearly communicated on the website at under the membership tab.
The planned improvements for the 2023 season are huge and we will once again be calling on our membership to rise to the occasion to complete several projects in the Spring. Vice Commodore Brian will be communicating the list of projects scheduled for the 2023 season in the next couple of months. Again, thank you for a great season. We hope that everyone has a great Winter and we look forward to seeing you on the island in the Spring. Your Flag,
Dale Hall
Brian Fringer
Richard (Rick) Romatz
Vice Commodore
Rear Commodore
A Message from Chaplain Mark Javery
Since the last Beacon was published many in our membership have suffered the loss of loved ones.
Paul Vitale’s sister (Cathy Terry) passed away 10-07-22. Philip Maniaci’s sister (Sandra Maniaci) passed away on 10-28-22. And Jill Romatz’s father (Richard Rutherford) passed away also on 10-28-22. Keep these families in your prayers as they mourn their loss.
Pray they will feel the peace and love of God holding them strong, enveloping them in His tender care.
Director Tom Lisowski recently had his first full knee replacement procedure. Praise God the procedure went well according to his physicians. Tom is home recovering being cared for by Denise. Pray for a full and quick recovery as he manages his pain and continued therapy. Thanksgiving is more than a day to eat lots of turkey and gear up for black Friday shopping. Thanksgiving is a day to remind ourselves of all the good things in life especially the relationships we have with family and friends. Even more so thanksgiving is an attitude we should strive for every day. God wants us to be grateful in all things.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
May you and your family be blessed with good health and time together as we celebrate our Thanksgiving holiday.
Fill Your Heart With Thanksgiving
Helen Steiner Rice
Take nothing for granted, for whenever you do The "joy of enjoying" is lessened for you - For we rob our own lives much more than we know When we fail to respond or in any way show Our thanks for the blessings that daily are ours . . . The warmth of the sun, the fragrance of flowers, The beauty of twilight, the freshness of dawn, The coolness of dew on a green velvet lawn, The kind little deeds so thoughtfully done, The favors of friends and the love that someone Unselfishly gives us in a myriad of ways, Expecting no payment and no words of praise - Oh, great is our loss when we no longer find A thankful response to things of this kind, For the joy of enjoying and the fullness of living Are found in the heart that is filled with thanksgiving
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North Chann
North Channel Yacht Club Board of Directors - Membership Meeting September 8, 2022
Cal l to Order Commodore, Dale Hal l Commodore Dale Hall called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. The meeting was hosted at NCYC and through zoom call in. Roll Call F LAG O FFICERS Present Absent Commodore Dale Hall X Vice Commodore Brian Fringer X Rear Commodore Rick Romatz X D IRECTORS Transportation Tom Lisowski X Harbor & Grounds Terry Steinmacher X Activities Dennis Alcazar X excused Treasurer Christa Betts X Publications Melissa Winkler X Secretary Gary Jialanella X Membership Marie Pepin X Supplies Al Douglas X Club House Bill Burkhardt X
P/C Glenn Nixon
Susan Burkhardt Kim Miedema Sharon Javery
Fleet Captains
X excused
Board Recorder Member Guest
Sarah Finley
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve September’s agenda Motion by: V/C Brian Fringer Second by : Melissa Winkler Motion : Carried by all
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September 1, 2022
Commodore’s Comments
Commodore, Dale Hall
Meeting minutes from August sent, please review and updated. Motion to accept: Gary J. Second by Bill Burkhart. Carried by all As we enter the last month of the NCYC Summer Season we can reflect back on a very successful year. Our member showed up to the island in huge numbers. The BOD have addressed many issues head-on and brought them to a successful conclusion. Our work is not complete, however. We have several exciting events on the calendar. Although the month of September slows down quite a bit, we still have one of our biggest events…smoke on the water – scheduled for September 17 th . Please continue to encourage participation in all the weekends and ensure all of our directors responsibilities are being completed in a timely manner. After Smoke on the Water we have an open weekend for our members to enjoy the club, however, we have scheduled Octoberfest on the 3 rd . Let’s finish the year strong! Vice Commodore, Brian Fringer I want to echo the Commodore’s comments and thank the board of directors for all their hard work up to this point in the year. We have a month to go so let’s finish strong. Rear Commodore, Rick Romatz Let me start with saying Thank You to all of the Members that came to the Island on Tuesday after the storm on Monday a week ago when we lost some island trees and the A dock Sunshade and cut up and burned the lumber and helped our Managers get the island cleaned up for Labor Day weekend just goes to show you the kind of members we have that take the time out of their day to help take care of our club when needed Thank You. With regard to some of the things that surfaced earlier this year regarding the island guests I believe we need to remind the membership of the Policies we have in place and that NCYC is a Member owned private club one of respect for others and one that has been respected for its dignity for many years. I don’t think our members have lost respect for our club and the members but maybe their guests do not respect the club and members as they should. Vice-Commodore’s Comments Rear-Commodore’s Comments
Financial Report
Treasurer, Christa Betts
Expenses 38,369.89 Income 45,978.80 Net 7,608.91 Cash on Hand 455,255.22
Motion by: Christa Betts Second by: R/C Rick Romatz
Motion: Carried by all.
ABYA Report
P/C Glenn Nixon
No report. **End of Report**
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September 1, 2022
Gary J. – 5 letters… Subject - Overdrinking, respect & following the rules. 20 min. 1. Member did not stay in assigned room 2. Members serving themselves after the bar closed. Verbal harassment saying you can’t close the bar until 2am. This event was stressful for the OD’s nor is there a support system in place. 3. A member demanded a room for his overnight guest. Member becoming agitated and screamed at OD. V/C Brian Fringer attempted to calm the member down. 4. Members with second boat in the east harbor – one member indicated that they knew who the boat belonged to. 5. Members refused to provide names for identification or member information.
- Suggest keeping a log of offenders and letters sent as a result of multiple offenses. This log must be retained in secure storage.
Activities Dennis Alacazar YTD Revenue of $16,298.06. Expenses $11,007.06. Net profit of 5,291.00. Thank you to all who stepped up to volunteering for running an activity. $1,164.00 income for August. **End of Report**
Bill Burkhardt
New HVAC system is up and running in the boutique! **** End of report****
Harbor & Grounds
Terry Steinmacher
1) First of all I would like to thank everyone that took time out of there busy schedules to complete the hand rail painting project. What a difference a coat of paint makes. As your Harbor and Grounds Director I am overwhelmed with all the members that are stepping up to tackle some of these much needed projects 2) I received a call from P/C Pagel on 8/16 in regards to there being no full propane tanks on the island. I was informed that there were 19 empty tanks. The propane tanks for the bbq’s are there for you when needed but please keep in mind that they also need to be refilled in a timely manner so nobody runs out of propane while cooking there meals or for an event being held on the island. Please if you take the last full tank out of the cage let either Myself, the Weekday Manager or the Weekend OD know and they will let me know and I will have all the tanks refilled and put back in stock. 3) While out and about throughout the island I have noticed some more deck boards that could use some attention. Please keep an eye out for a posting for a deck board replacement party. All invited to attend. Will be looking for a couple of crews to knock it out.
4) New burners picked up
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September 1, 2022
End of Report
Fleet Captains
Kim Miedema
No Update. **** End of report****
Marie Pepin
27 new members this year. 190 Boating Members
44 Senior Members 14 Junior Members
25 Non – Boating members 7 applicants on waiting list
** End of Report**
Melissa Winkler
Hello NCYC Flag and Board Members!
I hope you're doing well! Please send me anything you have to add to the September/October Beacons.
Specifically, please send me:
Flag Comments Chaplain comments Fleet Captain Comments Ensure the Club Events information on the Excel sheet is updated Event Flyers New Members Ancient Mariners Items (if any) First Mates Items (if any)
If you have already sent your items, thank you and I have received them! Thank you all and have a great week!
** End of Report**
Gary Jialanella
All election materials, ballots and been mailed out. ** End of Report**
Al Douglas
Investigating hotspots for POS system.
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September 1, 2022
Discussion regarding a “member for the day” option on POS. BOD agreed further investigation in to implications on liquor licensing and effect on membership rules. **End of Report**
Tom Lisowski
Nothing new to report **End of Report**
Old Business
Traditions committee report from R/C Rick Romatz : - Added changes regarding approximately 23 items i.e. CMDR ball, GMM, Flag Raising on Sunday’s etc... Will provide changes to Melissa for roster updates. Plan on voting on in October meeting.
New Business
Christa Betts – 2023 Budget, Finance committee notes. Increased Supplies and Publications budgets. Increase in revenue from last year and expenses are listed in financial report. Increase in Transportation as well, due to gas price increases.
2023 Budget Draft prior to October General Meeting
Review of 5 and 10 year plan to be briefed at October GMM : 5 year plan –
Replacement clubhouse flooring. Replacement of engines 1, 2, & 3. Swimming area platform Replace A dock railing
Power Pedestal replacement as necessary Top off Willow Trees and add as necessary Localized fire protection high volume hose system pipe Replace A dock sun shade
10 year plan – Replacing tables and chairs on the 1 st floor Replacing the plastic channels built garage when walk-in is completed
Replacing FIN 1 runner 1 with a lift Replacing the roof of clubhouse Updating B dock, seawall Motion by: V/C Fringer Second by: Bill Burkhart
Motion: Carried by all
Capital Projects to be presented at next GMM: Projected to be $123,000. Firm quote of next section of Seawall, $82,000. Proposing an outside walk-in cooler- with a pad – $20-25K. Wood on walkway approx. $10,000. (from boutique forward to main seawall).
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September 1, 2022
Four pedestals for final section – $1500-1800K
Motion by: R/C Rick Romatz Second by: Tom Lizowski
Motion: Carried by all.
CMDR reviewed waiting list personnel policy with BOD. Discussions regarding access to Facebook in addition to current electronic communications. Currently receiving Beacon and Fan-Outs. Recommend ensure detailed in next roster print out. High 5’s All of the lumberjacks/members that helped after the storm hit the island and ensured cleanup was safe and fast!!
Member of the Month: Margaret Odette Motion by: V/C Fringer Second by: P/C Nixon Motion: Carried by all.
Good of the Order Members should review policy of dogs on island, recommend sending out a reminder. Bill Callahan September 27 th luncheon for guests – the request will be P/C of ABYA and their spouses. Motion by: V/C Fringer Second by: Al Douglas Motion: Carried by all.
Adjournment Motion to adjourn the meeting at 2300
Motion by: P/C Nixon Second by: R/C Romatz Motion: Carried by all.
Next Meeting Date and Time: October 13th @ 7:00PM - Your Mothers
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Member of the Month
Eric Vawter The NCYC Board of Directors has recognized Eric Vawter as Member of the Month for October 2022. As we all know Eric is very much a people person. While on duty he saw 2 younger boys sitting on the couch watching a football game and he struck up a conversation with them. While speaking with them Eric shared a personal story about his son with the boys about football. When he seen the boys outside playing catch he jumped right in and threw a few balls to the boys. People like Eric are helping mold and possibly changing the future of the North Chanel Yacht Club Jr Members. Thank you, Eric. You are a prime example of what makes NCYC the place everyone loves to be a part of.
Board of Director Harbor and Grounds Terry Steinmacher
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Shout out to Tom Lisowski for all of his work on Fin 2 during late winter and early Spring 2022.
Below are pictures taken this morning after the boat was pulled and shrink-wrapped.
Many of us helped on this project but, I think you will all agree that Tom's tireless hours on Fin 2 has brought it back to life!!
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Looking forward to seeing you on the island!
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