November Beacon
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 6
a. Topic #1 - Congratulations to the winners of the election. Chuck Stroh for Rear Commodore, Frank Corcoran, Brent Malik and Randy Pagel for Board of Directors. Also, Brian Malik for a one year term to replace Chuck Stroh on the Board. Peter Frame was elected to the Cash Reserve Fund Committee. Don Vanover is the new Past Commodore. b. Topic #2 - Pat Carroll reviewed the rules for the parking lot storage. Vehicles must be in after October 21, 2013 and out before May 1, 2014. All money must be paid up front. Name or MC numbers must be visible on all vehicles. All vehicles must be insured as NCYC is not responsible for any theft or damage. The lessee must agree to comply with all of the rules and regulations.
Member of the Month: PC Hugh Vestal identified the candidates and PC Hugh Vestal will write the article. MOTION: Moved by PC Hugh Vestal and seconded by PC Tom McHugh to name PC Gary Barnard as member of the month for October. Motion Carried
IV. Good of the Order --- PC Hugh Vestal suggested that we buy a special tool to check the 30 and 50 amp breakers in the pillars . Don Reiss will look into that. A discussion was held about our docking policy on the island. Possibly limiting large boats or have a waiting list for larger boats. This was tabled for a discussion at a meeting after the first of the year. A discussion was held on the Friday night dinners as to whether Camille's is coming back or do we find another caterer. This discussion was also tabled until next year. A discussion was held about new members that do not show up for their work weekends. Tabled until the work or pay meeting. Diane French asked that all OD's should send her a list of all of the members that worked on their weekends Chuck Stroh thanked Randy Pagel for coming to the meeting.
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