NCYC General Membership Meeting Minutes Page 8 of 8
Our Safety Officer, Don Shepperson noted that there have been some close calls coming out of the harbor. Please remember to sound your horn when coming out of the harbor or passing through on the Robison. Don also reminded everyone to slow down when going across the North Channel in the Fin. We have had some complaints from our neighbors across the channel that our boats are making a wake. One more thing, please make sure that your power cords and lines are rolled up and not laying over the dock. Skip Schafer wondered how the kids jar was doing now that we have the POS system and a lot of people are using their cards to pay for drinks. It was noted that the kids jar is about the same. RC Pat Carroll wanted to let everyone know that the shuffle board tournament will continue again this year. The cost will be $20, with 1/2 going to the winners and 1/2 going to the Club. Judy McHugh wanted to everyone to know that she is still taking reservations for the "Smoke on the Water" dinner. Please see Judy if you are interested. Rana Shepperson is collecting cans for cancer again this year. She has raised $383 so far this year from cans on the island. If anyone has cans that they don't want to take back to the store let Rana know and she will pick them up. Let's kick cancer, one can at a time! Adjournment: MOTION: Moved by Don Reiss to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Kathleen McKeown. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm Next Meeting: Date and Time October 3, 2015 at 1:00 pm. at North Channel Club House
Respectively Submitted,
Sue Reiss Board Recorder
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