NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 8
Topic #3 Internet for the harbor and grounds: We installed a new router that increases speed in the clubhouse. We are getting quotes on how to reach the whole island. We have a quote for $1,250 which will have 2 access points on the cupola that will reach the whole island. Motion: Moved by Randy Pagel to approve the $1,250 for this project. Seconded by Brian Malik. Motion Carried. Topic #4 Member requested to waive work hours due to change in family situation. Motion: Moved by PC Hugh Vestal to approve request. Seconded by Don Reiss. Motion Carried.
Topic #1 Treasurer Frank Corcoran reviewed each directors YTD actual VS their budget. All accounts look good.
Topic #2 Treasurer Frank also had a discussion showing a model of how to fund capital projects. He passed out a Power Point packet showing where the money comes from and where the money goes and how much is left for capital projects. Topic #3 - There is a problem with people not showing up for their work weekends. It is a huge problem for the OD when someone does not show up. It is up to the member to find someone to work their time in case they cannot fulfill that weekend. They also MUST contact the secretary to let them know about the change. The OD's must review their weekend workers, and not accept any member that is not on their list. Topic #4 A discussion was held on new member orientation. Motion: Moved by Randy Pagel to make new member orientations mandatory at a meeting before the Club opens. Seconded by PC Hugh Vestal. Motion Carried. Topic #5
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