NCYC General Membership Meeting Minutes
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Financial Report
Treasurer, Frank Corcoran
I hope everyone has had a chance to review the report that I sent out. It is a good news story
and I am happy to share it with everyone. Revenues are up 5% over last year, $242,381 YTD
versus $230,468 last year. Expenses, based on midyear review are in line with budget. Our
cash position is strong, $153,600 versus $91,000 from last year end. The balance on the debt is
$91,300. Operations cash flow is in line with last year.
Frank discussed the proposed by-law amendment.
Reasons for Amendment
Defines scope of annual examination
Defines who shall perform the Review
Improves Governance and Accountability
4. Establishes Sustainable Process
Proposed Amendment
They [Board of Directors] shall cause to be
the financial accounts of the Club within
90 days after the closing of the Club's fiscal year.
shall be conducted by
an independent accounting firm appointed by the
Board of Directors.
The scope of the examination shall be a Review as defined by the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants.
The accountant's report for the prior year Review shall be presented at the general
membership meeting held during the month of May.
The cost shall be reviewed from proposals from various CPA firms and approved by the Board
of Directors.
Moved by PC Paul Jarvis to approve the financial report. Seconded by Don Reiss.
Motion Carried