It is now time to close up the club for the winter. Please plan on attending our fall work
parties on Saturday, October 10
and Saturday, October 17
. If you haven’t fulfilled your 4
hour work requirement, make sure you come out as the next two weekends are your last
chance to avoid being billed $200. Please look for direction from our Harbor and Grounds
director Don Reiss and our Clubhouse director P/C Hugh Vestal. We meet in the club
parking lot at 9:00 A.M.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the General Membership meeting on November 14th
at Barrister Gardens. We will hear the latest Forward Planning committee report from R/C
Pat Carroll and V/C Chuck Stroh will present the 2016 budget.
As we move into the fall, the planning for the Commodore’s Ball is in full swing. The Ball will
be held on Saturday, January 23, 2016. Please mark the date on your calendar to assure
your ability to attend.
Thanks for a great year - Commodore Brian McEvoy