NCYC General Membership Meeting Minutes
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Approval of Meeting Minutes
Moved by PC Bill Hendricks to approve the minutes. Seconded by PC Don Vanover.
Motion Carried.
Commodore’s Comments:
Commodore, Brian McEvoy
Welcome to our September General Membership Meeting. I would like to thank the
membership for their attendance and participation so far this year. We only get 20 weeks a
year up here so please continue to get involved, participate and use your club. We have had a
lot of fun with more to come in the following 5 weeks.
I would like to thank the Board of Directors for all of their time, support and hard work
throughout the year. You always put what is good for the club as a whole above any personal
agenda and I have enjoyed working with all of you this year.
Following the directors reports summarizing our present situation, we will hear from those
members who will be running for office for 2016. I want to thank all of the candidates for
stepping up. Good luck to all.
Vice-Commodore’s Comments:
Vice Commodore, Chuck Stroh
I would like to thank all of candidates for stepping up. You will be the ones that will help build
our club for the future. Let's go back to the way the Club used to hold the election process,
with flyers and pictures of all of the candidates posted on the inside and outside of the building.
I would like to see the club decorated from top to bottom. Have fun and party on....
Rear-Commodore’s Comments:
Rear Commodore, Pat Carroll
Good afternoon everyone. Thanks to all who came out this afternoon. Glad to see the harbor
filled, it's been a while. Thanks to all the candidates who put their name in the hat. We need
more people to step up. The next month is filled with activities, so please come out and join us
and support our Club.