NCYC General Membership Meeting Minutes
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Membership- Brian Malik
Brian stated that the year over year numbers in membership are up $7,620, also we are
up $3,800 to the budget figures.
We have 256 total members. That includes 156 boating, 26 non boating, 49 seniors, 25
juniors and 8 on leave of absence.
Brian also reminded any member who has not picked up their membership cards to
please do so today at the bar.
Publications-Brent Malik
Brent presented the Publications numbers to the membership. The 2015 income
numbers are $3,310 versus 2014 income numbers which were $2,850, up $460. We are
also $871 under budget. Good luck to all of the candidates. The 'Hy-Fives' are a way for
our members to recognize their fellow members when you see them do something
above and beyond. Contact Brent Malik if you would like to nominate someone. They
will be posted in the Beacon.
Secretary – Randy Pagel
We need bartenders and workers for next week, if anyone can help, please let me know.
I will need pictures and bio's from all of the candidates to put in a fan out to the
membership. If you need a picture, please see Kim Miedema.
Supplies –Ian Blackburn
I would like to thank all the weekday managers for their help lugging the supplies to the
island. Without them, the supplies job would be impossible.
I would also like to thank the candidates for stepping up and I wish all of them the best
of luck. I am looking forward to serving with any of them next year. The bar sales are
up $5,000 at the end of July compared to 2014
Transportation – Darryl Campbell
All the fins are running great. Our Fins have received updated safety signage, first aid
kits and flares, not to mention scheduled preventative maintenance. Engine speed
limiters have been installed in Fins #2 and #3 in an effort to extend longevity and limit
unnecessary repairs resulting from abuse.
I would like to thank Ron Draper for supplying and installing the mounts to store the
Isenglas up and out of the way under the top of Fin 3. Also, thanks to Bert Skibinski
for supplying the parts and repairing Fin# 2 coolant leak.