NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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A reminder, we now have a DSC (Digital Selective Calling ) system in place that allows the
clubhouse and the Fins to communicate between them that "rings" the ship to shore radio
rather than utilizing the old traditional hailing method. We have been showing interested
members, OD's and week managers in an effort to utilize the system to our best
advantage. Two carbon monoxide detectors have been installed, one in the hallway
between the kitchen and the "ice maker room" and the other in the "refrigeration room"
as a precaution against possible generator exhaust fumes.
Fleet Captain - PC Rick Romatz
The last rendezvous was great. Weather wise it was much better. We have 18 wells
signed up for MacRay.
Topic # 1
Nominating Committee: Chairperson, PC Don Vanover, PC Harley Burris, Al
Durand, PC Bill Hendricks, PC Rick Romatz. The current slate is: Cash Reserve
Committee, Ken Lipowski and Phillip Maniaci.
Moved by PC Hugh Vestal to
approve the Cash Reserve Committee candidates. Seconded by PC John Anderson.
Motion Carried.
Board of Directors: John Sweier, John Mantyk, Scott Greenfelder, and Bill Calahan.
The committee is still working on the director list.
Rear Commodore: Randy Pagel. The committee is still working on the list.
A tentative meeting will be held on August 29, at 10 am to approve the final list.
A discussion was held on how to encourage people to run for the Board and Flag.
Topic # 2
The By-Law Committee reviewed the wording for the new audit/review change that
will be presented to the membership at the Labor Day Meeting. The new wording is
as follows:
They shall cause to be examined the financial accounts of the Club within
90 days after the closing of the Club's fiscal year. Such examination shall be conducted
by an independent accounting firm appointed by the Board of Directors. The scope of
the examination shall be a Review as defined by the American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants. The accountant's report for the prior year Review shall be
presented at the general membership meeting held during the month of May.
Moved by Randy Pagel to approve the wording to be presented to the membership.
Seconded by PC John Anderson.
Motion Carried.