Introducing “Burgee Travels”

Team Blackburn

Members, take your Burgee with you on your off season travels this year. Take a picture and send to Ron, for the Beacon. Let’s see where our Burgee goes… Thanks Ian.

My apologies to all for this late Beacon. It’s been done and sitting in my PC for the last 12 days, with the exception of the Photo section. There’s so many great events since the last Beacon and volumes of great images of them all, it takes me longer to do the photo section than it does the rest of the publication some months. Alas, this past 6 weeks has found the Lovely & Gracious JeriLynn and I sorting through 25 years of “stuff” and selecting what to move and what to keep and what to donate and what to send to the curb. Several small pickup truck loads have already gone in various directions. Now we’re packing a U-Haul truck with all the beachy furniture and stuff we’ve been collecting for a long time and preparing to move it to the sunshine state. Adding to my personal time requirement is the closing of our 12-year-old business that has been our financial backbone. It turns out that closing a business can be more consuming than running one. It fell as another casualty of a catastrophic car crash we were in. I can tell you this, it is a somber task, not unlike burying a family member. Fear Not though, your intrepid Publications Director has spent a lifetime inventing jobs when I needed one. With 1 exception I invented every job I had as an adult, (in case you haven’t noticed by now, being a vast storehouse of uncommon knowledge, I just don’t fit standard job descriptions). All I need to do is figure out something we both can do, and then convince someone else it’s in their best interest to pay us to do it, and then demonstrate a value. Simple… Every day for two weeks I’ve been waking up thinking I’ll finish the Beacon before I sleep, having failed 13 consecutive times, I decided to put the autumn photo sections in Beacons over the off season to renew good memories when the snow shovel consumes the day, so here it is sans photos for now.

Blue Skies Following Seas, Ron


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I want to thank Dianne French for putting together our Commodore’s golf outing on September 8th. It was nice to see 88 golfers play golf and then have an additional 12 people come and join us for fabulous dinner. Another job well done. I also want to thank P/C John Dickson and Jeff Edgerly for putting on a great “Smoke on the Water” event on September 15th. We had seven contestants for the “Rib Cook Off”. All of them did a great job, but one group won the coveted Pig Trophy. Al Douglas’s team won the trophy for the best ribs based on presentation, tenderness and taste. As you I write this article in order to get it into the Beacon on time, we have not yet had the election that takes place on Saturday, October 6th. I want to thank all of the candidates again for volunteering their time and effort to want to continue to make NCYC the best Club on the lake. The new 2019 budget will be presented and voted on by the General Membership at the October GM meeting. You will also be presented with the 5 and 10 year Forward Planning ideas to keep the Club, transportation and grounds in good working order. Don’t forget about our great tasting Friday night dinners prepared by our Bald Chef Tom. Start to think about marking your calendars for the fall work parties. Regards, Commodore Randy


September has been a great month for events! It was kicked off with Labor Day Weekend having the First Mates serving a wonderful Polish meal. Next came the Commodores golf tournament hosted by Diane French. There were over 80 people in attendance and a great time was had by all. Following that, we had smoke on the water and this was an event we will all remember for a long time. The weather was perfect the camaraderie was at an all-time high, the food was excellent, and the music and dancing were second to none. We could not have asked for a better September day. Congratulation’s goes out to Al Douglas and crew for taking first place this year & to everyone who entered the competition. Currently there is a large NCYC contingent enjoying the Commodores Cruise on the East Coast. According to the Facebook posts, everyone is having a great time. I can’t wait for everyone to get home so that the rest of us can hear the stories of adventure that you had. Coming up is our Haul Out weekend where we will all come together for one last island celebration this year. It is fitting that we will be having a Thanksgiving style menu as we have a lot to be thankful for as this season comes to a close.

Please take the time to review your ballot and vote for your favorite candidate. During the General Membership meeting, the results of the election will be announced. I would like to thank all the candidates for stepping forward and showing your dedication and support for NCYC!

Lastly, there will be two work parties to prepare our club for the winter hiatus. They will be on October 13th and 20th. Please come out and lend a hand so that we can ensure the club will be in good shape for the spring.

See you on the Island, V/C Ian Blackburn

Hello N.C.Y.C.. As I sit here writing my monthly article, Terri and I also are preparing to leave for New York to join the rest of the N.C.Y.C. travelers for the Commodore's Cruise. I have checked the weather and it appears that it will be a mixed bag but not to bad. I am looking forward to this trip as are the rest of the group. Labor Day weekend was great as usual. The membership meeting covered a lot of ground and addressed a lot of member concerns about incoming poker runs and in coming rendezvous. Afterwards the P/C’s beer bust led by P/C Pat Carroll and assisted by his fellow P/C’s, was a good time for all that attended. Thanks to Sandy Stroh and the first mates for the wonderful Polish dinner on Sunday. The food was outstanding. “Smoke on the Water” was excellent. I must say that Jeff Edgerly, Nancy, P/C John and Shelly Dixon and their team did a great job in hosting this event. The members as usual provided all sorts of their favorite dishes to share all afternoon and they were great. We ate so much during the day that I don’t know how I had any room for the awesome rib and chicken dinner that followed. Congratulations to Al Douglas and crew for taking first place in the rib cook off. Thank you to all the other chefs that entered the competition. Again, thanks to all of you who volunteer your time and talents to host these parties that bring us all together for great food, music and comaradery. I am looking forward to the Hall out. I personally want to thank all of you that stepped forward and entered your name in the election. Clubs do not live by dues alone. See you on the Island,

AMessage from Chaplain Art Brooks

The Club Membership is in pretty good shape this month except that we find Art a little under the weather, perhaps a note or call and a prayer for him is in order. I'll share one of my favorite poems this month to help ease his burden. The Poet was born in China, schooled there and in England, then in Connecticut, then he joined the Canadian Royal Air Force, was stationed back in England, flew several missions fighting the Luftwaffe before being shot down moments after he wrote the final verse. He was just 19 years old. Ron

"High Flight" by John Gillespie Magee, Jr. (1922-1941)

Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth, And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I’ve climbed and joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds — and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there I’ve chased the shouting wind along and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air. Up, up the long delirious burning blue I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace, Where never lark, or even eagle, flew;

And, while with silent, lifting mind I’ve trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.





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There were 61 people at the September luncheon. The October Business Meeting will be October 9 th At the Moose Lodge on Harper between 14 Mile and Quinn Rd. Clinton Twp.at 1:00 P.M.

Next Luncheon will be Thursday, October 18 th at the Off The Hook bar and grill 8094 Dixie Hwy.MI. at 1:00 P.M. This restaurant is South of Palms Rd. across from Dana’s restaurant The November Business Meeting is at the Moose Lodge at 1:00 P.M.on November 13 th . Fair Winds, Calm Seas Archie Archibald Ancient Mariners President


Hello Ladies and Hello Fall: The boating season is almost over. It has been a fun summer with a lot of fun activities at NCYC. Hopefully you were able to attend one of the great fun filled events and meet lots of our wonderful members. Or maybe you joined the First Mates this year and experienced everything it has to offer. First Mates are always busy throughout the season sponsoring events. From the start of the season with the Fashion Show and throughout the summer until the final breakfast at Haul Out. Lets not forget in December when the First Mates all join together for a Holiday Party to end the year. Thank you to all who were behind the scenes helping before and after club events and activities. Your help was greatly appreciated!! Don’t forget more fun to be had on Haul Out weekend October 5-7. There will be a Gen- eral Membership Meeting October 6, 2018 at 10 a.m. There will be a Haul Out Turkey Dinner October 6 at 6:00 p.m. see flyer for details. On Sunday October 7, there will be a Haul Out Breakfast from 9-11 a.m. Cost is $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for children. Please contact Bev Schoen with any questions or volunteer help. We look forward to welcoming in the new 2019 Board Members at the upcoming First Mate Holiday Party on Tuesday December 4 at 6:00 p.m. at Da Francesco’s Ristorante. Hope to see all of you there. Respectfully, Lisa Roath 2018 First Mates Publicity Director

The First Mates of North Channel Yacht Club Invite you to join them at the 2018 Annual Christmas Party Tuesday, December 4, 2018 – 6:00 p.m. Da Francesco’s 49521 Van Dyke – Shelby Twp., MI 48317

$35.00 per person (Includes dinner with cash bar) One bottle of red and one bottle of white wine is included on each table.

Reservations should be sent to Diane French 7306 Flamingo, Algonac, MI 48001 (Make checks payable to NCYC First Mates. Deadline for reservations is November 26, 2018.)

Raffle items are needed to make our party a success. Please bring your donation the night of the party.

The 2018 fundraiser will benefit seniors through the Algonac Lions Club. Please bring sample size personal items and we will wrap them at the party. Bags, tags and ribbon will be provided.

Any questions, please contact Colleen Braun, 586-242-9698



NCYC Membership

Commodore Randy Pagel

Commodore Past Pat Carrol

Commodore Vice Ian Blackburn

Commodore Rear





Darryl Transportation Campbell

Fleet Captain Ken Lipowski Julie Delauter





Grounds Harbor & Tom Altobelli

Scott Clubhouse Greenfelder

Brian Fringer

Ron Draper

Glenn Nixon

Debbie Siwek

Dale Hall

Tom Martin

Committee Insurance Chairman P/C Tom McHugh

Committee Finance


Planning Forward Committee

Committee Reserve Fund

Procedures Guidelines & Committee P/C Rick Romatz

Committee Nominating P/C Chuck

Committee By Laws

P/C Paul Jarvis

Calihan R/C Bill

Brian Fringer

Glenn Nixon

P/C Pat Carroll



Arms Sergeant-at-

Officer Safety

Recorder Board


Leslie Leitch Master Harbor

Ann Malik Sue Mile Surgeons Fleet

Directors Youth

Co. LLC Bultynck &

Shelby Romatz Lisa Roath

Greg Brigman

Art Brooks

Brian Roath

John Sweier

NCYC Photographer Membership

Major Sargent

Pins Burgees & Judy McHugh Manager

P/C Pat Carroll Delegate ABYA

Manager Clubhouse

IT Officer

P/C Bill Hendricks

P/C Scott Bell

Colleen Braun

Members, please support our advertisers…

Forward Planning Committee: R/C Bill Calihan (Chairman) Brian Roath 18, 19, 20 P/C Rick Romatz 18, 19, 20

Nominating Committee: P/C Chuck Stroh (Chairman) P/C Bill Hendricks Diane French

Don Ruma 17, 18, 19 Ben Carroll 17, 18, 19 Steve Marten 16, 17, 18 P/C Bill Bauer 16, 17, 18 By-Laws Committee: Glenn Nixon (Chairman) V/C Ian Blackburn

Renee McEvoy Kim Miedema Jill Romatz

Guidelines & Policies Committee: P/C Rick Romatz (Chairman)

P/C Hugh Vestal P/C Tom Mchugh P/C Brian McEvoy P/C Chuck Stroh P/C Harley Burris Brian Michel

Frank Corcoran P/C Rick Romatz Al Durand P/C Harley Burris Kim Miedema P/C Tom McHugh – Parliamentarian

Larry Malik Art Brooks

Insurance Committee: P/C Tom McHugh (Chairman) Commodore Randy Pagel

Cash Reserve Committee: P/C Pat Carroll (Chairman) Commodore Randy Pagel Brian Malik 1st Year Mike Wonderly 2nd Year Ken Lipowski 3rd Year

V/C Ian Blackburn Anthony McHugh P/C Bob Watson

Finance Committee: Brian Fringer (Chairman)

Frank Corcoran P/C Hugh Vestal Steve Marten

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North Channel Yacht Club Calendar of Events 2018




August 10-12

Rendezvous - Club Island

P/C Brian McEvoy

August 16

Ancient Mariners Luncheon - 1:00pm at the Club


August 17-19

Beatle Mania Concert - August 17

Darryl Campbell

August 24-26

Potluck - Swan/Pagel

P/C Denise Huntley

August 31-September 3

Labor Day Weekend

September 1 10:00am - First Mates Meeting

1:00pm - General Membership Meeting

Scott Greenfelder

Meet the Candidates

P/C Beer Bust after Meeting, hot dogs/hamburgers

September 2 First Mates Dinner

September 7-9

Commodores Golf Outing

R/C Bill Calihan

September 10

ABYA GMM First Mates Dinner


September 13

Ancient Mariners Luncheon - 1:00pm at the Club


September 14-16

Smoke on the Water BBQ Cook Off

P/C Rick Romatz

September 21-23


Tom Martin

September 22-29

Commodores Cruise to the East Coast


September 28-30


Glenn Nixon

October 5-7

Haul Out Weekend

October 6 10:00am - First Mates Meeting

Debbie Siwek

1:00pm - General Membership Meeting

Haul Out Dinner

October 7 First Mates Haul Out Breakfast

October 13

First Fall Work Party


October 20

Second Fall Work Party




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Good luck to all the candidates

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North Channel Yacht Club Board of Directors - Regular Meeting 16 August 2018

Call to Order Commodore, Randy Pagel Commodore Randy Pagel called the meeting to order at 6:59 p.m. The meeting was held at NCYC. Roll Call Secretary, Glenn Nixon F LAG O FFICERS Present Absent Commodore Randy Pagel   Vice Commodore Ian Blackburn   Rear Commodore Bill Calihan   D IRECTORS Transportation Darryl Campbell   Harbor & Grounds Tom Altobelli   Activities Tom Martin   Treasurer Brian Fringer   Publications Ron Draper   Secretary Glenn Nixon   Membership Debbie Siwek   Supplies Dale Hall   Club House Scott Greenfelder   I MMEDIATE P AST C OMMODORE P/C Pat Carroll   A PPOINTED P OSITIONS Fleet Captain Ken Lipowski   Board Recorder Greg Brigman   Pledge of Allegiance All Approval of Agenda All MOTION: Moved by Scott Greenfelder seconded by Tom Martin to approve the agenda. Motion Carried Approval of Meeting Minutes All MOTION: Moved by R/C Calihan and seconded by Scott Greenfelder to approve the July, 12th 2018 board meeting minutes. Motion Carried Commodore’s Comments Commodore, Randy Pagel I want to thank my Fleet Captains Ken and Julie for a great time at Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. Also want to thank both Sheila and Glenn Nixon for all of their help with making this rendezvous such a success. Our last rendezvous will be this weekend at Club Island. Hope all of you will have an opportunity to attend. As we discuss the slate of new flag officers and board members for 2019 tonight, please encourage the perspective candidates as they prepare to run for office. Please answer any questions they may have and encourage them.

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes

16 August 2018

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We also will be starting the budgeting process for next year. Please work with Brian as he contacts each of you to go over your current budget and look for ways to improve your particular areas of spending. Vice-Commodore’s Comments Vice Commodore, Ian Blackburn This is an exciting time of year, tonight we will be presented with the slate of candidates that will help manage the club in 2019. We are also in the process of establishing budgets for the 2019 year, so we are setting ourselves up for success, all along we still have great events coming up. GPYC was a great Rendezvous, thank you Ken and Julie. Finally, welcome back Tom, I am glad you are feeling better and are healthy again. Rear-Commodore’s Comments Rear Commodore, Bill Calihan Well here we are in August already. We have had a great summer so far. The clubhouse and grounds are looking as good as ever and we are complemented on this and the hospitality we have shown to all people that visit our great club. All members of this club should feel a since of pride, for it is the membership that volunteers their time to make this the club what it is. Elections are just around the corner and I am looking forward to seeing who will step up to guide this club into the further. Remember a club does not live by dues alone. Over the next nine weekends, seven of them have NCYC events scheduled. Read your Beacon or check the schedule in the roster book, come out and support your club and have a great time as we get closer Treasurer, Brian Fringer $60K in revenue for the month. Up about 8% for the year. Got to consider the upcoming seawall project. Just shy of $300K cash position (including emergency fund), looking very strong. MOTION: Moved by V/C Blackburn and seconded by Darryl Campbell to approve the Financial Report. Motion Carried P/C Pat Carroll ABYA has no intention of going away. They’re looking at by-law changes to expand who can run for the board. Got Commodores Ball tickets for December and raffles tickets. Will be available at NCYC starting in September. At last Monday’s meeting, ABYA had a guest speaker talking about the difficulties maintaining the south channel lights. Also, a member of The Order of the Blue Gavel Club spoke. ABYA tried to join The Yachting Club of America, but was told they cannot join because they don’t have a property assigned to ABYA. Can contact ABYA Commodore for Metro Boat Show tickets for $5. Go to ABYA to island closing. Financial Report ABYA Report

website for info. Correspondence Thanks from CYC for a great time.


NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes

16 August 2018

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Tom Martin

No report. All welcomed Tom back. Clubhouse –

Scott Greenfelder Ongoing process of making repairs weekly. Light switches last week, exhaust fan today. Got a few people to help with some chores during my week as weekday manager. Harbor & Grounds Tom Altobelli Got the old green tractor fixed. Thanks out to P/C Burris and Ron Kemp for loading up the mower deck. Got another “Private Yacht Club” sign up in the Sni. Looking for an effective way to hang one of the signs out along the North Channel. Discussed alternate ways to secure. Membership Debbie asked Glen Nixon to send Fanout to remind workers that only about 8 weeks are left and they need to get their 16 hours in. P/C Carroll suggested to send direct Fanout to OD’s asking to send their workers the required hours. Two new member candidates have given deposits, but don’t want to join until 2019. Nine new members since May. Boating membership is up to 191. Glen Nixon suggested we interview the new members this year. Won’t approve new members through email anymore, got to do at meetings. Too many problems keeping track of returned email votes with this method. Ron Draper asked how many members have we gotten this year? Twenty-seven, but lost 17. Dale Hall interviewed new members on 7/30. Motion was made to accept. They are members this year. Publications – Ron Draper Got the report for the NCYC website security certificate and discovered our site was not secure. Contacted Club Express to inquire, they responded immediately. Security concern solved. $45 per year. Secretary – Glenn Nixon Pretty much caught up scheduling new members for their work weekends. Over budget for remainder of the weekends. Need to make sure we have firm commitments for paid bartenders for Labor Day and Haul Out. Supplies – Dale Hall Problem solved with RNBC. Had a difficult time with deliveries, but seemed to have gotten them straighten out. They owed us money from reimbursements from specials they ran. Did get that money returned. Coke having problems with deliveries. Dale starting getting Coke from Gordon’s Food.

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes

16 August 2018

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Revenue up 21% from last year. Largest increase in wine. Dockage up $4000 from last year, 20% increase. Transportation – Darryl Campbell Fin Two (the Mackie with the blue top). After removal of the closed cooling, the raw water system has had a recirculation system installed in order to maintain an even temperature throughout the engine and reduce condensation. Oil and filter has been changed. Fin Three (the Stanley “Tin Fin”). Has had neutral safety switch adjusted. Fleet Captain – Ken Lipowski GPYC outing was fun. For the Club Island rendezvous, an agreement was made that there would be no dock fees for either club. 4 boats from CI, we have 29. Sold out. OLD BUSINESS Insurance Appraisal of NCYC Buildings taking place early September Got a date, second week in September. 2019 Board and Flag Candidates P/C Hendricks in P/C Stroh’s absence announced the slate of candidates for 2019 flag, board of director and cash reserve. Debbie Siwek made a motion to accept the candidates. R/C Calihand seconded. Motion Carried. 2019 Commodore Ian Blackburn 2019 Vice Commodore Bill Calihan 2019 Rear Commodore Scott Greenfelder Glenn Nixon Board of Directors NEW BUSINESS

Dennis Alcazar Tom Altobelli Frank Corcoran Tom Huntly Philip Maniaci John Sweier Cash Reserve Bryan Kenzie John Zych

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes

16 August 2018

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2019 Budget . Brian Fringer will be soon sending out the 2018 expenses to determine the 2019 budget. Need 2019 proposed budgets several weeks later. Will get approved at the Haul Out GM meeting. Need to go to the September BOD meeting for approval. Tom Altobelli raised a concern relative to the budget regarding the use of budgeted expenses to support all the outside rendezvous we’ve been having. These rendezvous are creating unscheduled wear and tear on items in the clubhouse, grounds and supplies. Would like to see a portion of the revenue from these rendezvous get put back into the director’s budget instead of the general funds. Brian Fringer doesn’t believe we can earmark money for a specific director’s account? Glen Nixon wants to create by-law for funds going to earmark for critical projects (i.e. seawall). P/C Carroll stated there is a means for each director to add to their annual budgets for anticipated events over and above the normal budget. The discussion of creating special project funds to support the added activities generated by the increase from allowing outside (non NCYC sponsored) events started a discussion about what amount of outside activity is appropriate? Do we stop allowing guests on weekends? A member reportedly stated he could not get a well the weekend of 8/10. It was stated that this was not correct, there were wells available. Do we need all this outside activity (poker runs, visiting yacht clubs, etc.) coming into our “private” club? The upside is the club is as financially healthy as it’s been in 20 years. Incoming rendezvous contribute a significant portion of revenue for the club. The board agreed a balance needs to be established to provide exposure and access to the club to outsiders, while maintaining the status of a private club for complete member enjoyment. Member of the Month Glenn Nixon mad a motion to nominate Scott Goemmel and Michele LaCombe, seconded by Ron Draper. Motion Carried. Good of the Order Glenn Nixon suggested we should consider raising our dockage. We’re too cheap. And we need to do something about the poker runs. Bad experiences with Wertz Warriors. Foul language, ignoring rules, swimming in the harbor exposes our Club to an unnecessary liability. He suggested we insist the Sergeant at Arms is in charge with shirts that say STAFF. Scott Greenfelder recommended we don’t let them in anymore. Ron Draper mentioned we sent them a letter with our most important rules listed to help them comply, they signed and returned the letter and their people still violated our rules. Ron Draper made a motion we write a letter to Wertz Warriors telling them their Guest Privileges are Revoked. Scott Greenfelder seconded. Motion Carried P/C Carroll stated that some clubs in the past that have been banned from NCYC for disciplinary reasons have eventually been allowed back and behaved very well. R/C Bill Calihan provided an update on P/C Scott Bell. Russ Adam has same condition. Art Brooks hip surgery. Deb Siwek reminded board that if you’re doing new member interviews to get a check for the $850 and picture.

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes

16 August 2018

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Board had a discussion on when a new member officially becomes a member. Dues and initiation fee paid in full and board approved.

Adjournment MOTION: Moved by R/C Calihan and seconded by P/C Carroll to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Next Meeting Date and Time: Thursday, 13th September 2018, 7:00 p.m. Location: TBD

This month we recognize a member who continually steps forward in countless ways in giving back to our Club. Not only supporting numerous activities but organizing the Ancient Mariners Horse Race and the 2018 Commodore’s Golf Outing. These events were huge successes and enjoyed by all. The Order of the Anchor is very well deserved for such a hard working dedicated member. The NCYC Flag and Board of Directors are proud to bestow this well deserved honor to Diane French for Member of the Month. Welcome to the Order of the Anchor. Debbie Siwek Membership Director

Dear North Channel Yacht Club. Please join me in congratulate P/C Jim Angers on receiving our September Member of the Month Award Jim has managed our direct energy account for the last three years providing us with discounted electricity for our inland usage. Sincerely yours. Scott Greenfelder NCYC Club house director.

To Ian and Marie and Dale and Colleen Hall for making our Rib Cookout So Much Fun! They were responsible for Rounding Up a “Posse” of Friends who made so many “Specialty Drinks” and delicious appetizers for all of us to partake of. To all of you that made our day so special we say a huge “Thank You!”. We look forward to an even better success next year. Ron & Jeannine Kemp

North Channel Lighted Buoy Update: Lighted Buoys are Coming Read Below Congratulations ABYA!

A reminder to NCYC Members, our club has an affiliation with Boat US that entitles us to discounts on purchases at the stores as well as their insurance products and other services. The magic number to know is our Group # GA80766Y . The group affiliation card is shown below.

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