NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
16 August 2018
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2019 Budget . Brian Fringer will be soon sending out the 2018 expenses to determine the 2019 budget. Need 2019 proposed budgets several weeks later. Will get approved at the Haul Out GM meeting. Need to go to the September BOD meeting for approval. Tom Altobelli raised a concern relative to the budget regarding the use of budgeted expenses to support all the outside rendezvous we’ve been having. These rendezvous are creating unscheduled wear and tear on items in the clubhouse, grounds and supplies. Would like to see a portion of the revenue from these rendezvous get put back into the director’s budget instead of the general funds. Brian Fringer doesn’t believe we can earmark money for a specific director’s account? Glen Nixon wants to create by-law for funds going to earmark for critical projects (i.e. seawall). P/C Carroll stated there is a means for each director to add to their annual budgets for anticipated events over and above the normal budget. The discussion of creating special project funds to support the added activities generated by the increase from allowing outside (non NCYC sponsored) events started a discussion about what amount of outside activity is appropriate? Do we stop allowing guests on weekends? A member reportedly stated he could not get a well the weekend of 8/10. It was stated that this was not correct, there were wells available. Do we need all this outside activity (poker runs, visiting yacht clubs, etc.) coming into our “private” club? The upside is the club is as financially healthy as it’s been in 20 years. Incoming rendezvous contribute a significant portion of revenue for the club. The board agreed a balance needs to be established to provide exposure and access to the club to outsiders, while maintaining the status of a private club for complete member enjoyment. Member of the Month Glenn Nixon mad a motion to nominate Scott Goemmel and Michele LaCombe, seconded by Ron Draper. Motion Carried. Good of the Order Glenn Nixon suggested we should consider raising our dockage. We’re too cheap. And we need to do something about the poker runs. Bad experiences with Wertz Warriors. Foul language, ignoring rules, swimming in the harbor exposes our Club to an unnecessary liability. He suggested we insist the Sergeant at Arms is in charge with shirts that say STAFF. Scott Greenfelder recommended we don’t let them in anymore. Ron Draper mentioned we sent them a letter with our most important rules listed to help them comply, they signed and returned the letter and their people still violated our rules. Ron Draper made a motion we write a letter to Wertz Warriors telling them their Guest Privileges are Revoked. Scott Greenfelder seconded. Motion Carried P/C Carroll stated that some clubs in the past that have been banned from NCYC for disciplinary reasons have eventually been allowed back and behaved very well. R/C Bill Calihan provided an update on P/C Scott Bell. Russ Adam has same condition. Art Brooks hip surgery. Deb Siwek reminded board that if you’re doing new member interviews to get a check for the $850 and picture.
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