NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5
1. OLD BUSINESS Topic # 1: New information regarding “unwanted physical contact”
At Haul Out, a board director thought he witnessed an infraction of NCYC’s Zero Tolerance policy regarding unwanted physical contact. A motion was made to suspend the member for 3 months starting in May of 2017 based on NCYC rules “membership behavior”. Based on further investigation, no such violation occurred and the motion to suspend was rescinded. Motion: Scott Greenfelder Seconded: Bill Calihan Motion Carried 3. NEW BUSINESS Topic #1 “The Board held a brief Executive session”. Topic #2: Work or Pay fees for Open/Close – Kim Miedema Item discussed during “Current Business” ‘Membership by Kim Miedema Member of the Month: None noted Good of the Order: PC Brian McEvoy comment: 51 NCYC members will be going to the ABYA dinner dance. Please remember to ‘wear your flag’ in recognition of the NCYC. Frank Corcoran expressed his farewell comments to the Board and thanked everyone for their support in implementing the governance and financial improvements over the past three years.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm Next Meeting Date and Time: December 8. 2016 at 6:00 pm. Location: Aspen Restaurant
We will meet at the Aspen restaurant on the north side of Hall Road west of Heydenreich. There will be drinks and hors d'oeuvres at 6PM, the meeting at 7PM, and 7:30 dinner .
Respectively Submitted, John Sweier Board Recorder
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