From the Editor…
Greetings andHappy NewYear to all from the Bearhooks II SouthernCommand located 27’07.404” Nby 82’27.590”Wwhere the Lovely &Gracious JeriLynn and I will be spending the winter months. With thewinter solstice of Dec 21 nowwell behind us, the days are getting longer. We’ll enjoy approximately onemoreminute of sun at sunrise and onemore minute of daylight before sunset until June 21when the days will begin to shorten. With about 16weeks until Launchwe are also about 34weeks until the dreadedHaul Out! So little time, let’smake themost of it. With that inmind, our NCYCBoard, Committees, and variousmember groups are already hard at work and diligently planning the upcoming boating season tomake 2017 amost memorable good time for our club. As we embark upon this grand adventure together I want to join all the planners in inviting you tomake the most of your club, become involved, and enjoy this unique establishment of friendly members and their families. As your newDirector of Publications, I have quite a learning curve beforeme and I’mbusy getting up to speed. I hope you enjoy this, my first official publication for our club. I believe this is the best position for me asmost of it can be done remote and that fits well into our unpredictable lifestyle and travel. I want to thank all of you for putting your confidence inme to execute the responsibilities of this position and I alsowant to invite you to please take the time to let me know if there are any changes, additions, or wish list items youmay have for theRoster or the Beacon, I’ll do my best to accommodate all of you. Blue Skies and Following Seas, Ron RonDraper Director, Publications
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