NCYC General Membership Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 9
Motion Carried.
Commodore, John Anderson
Commodore’s Comments:
Good afternoon everyone and thank you for attending this first General Membership meeting of the year. It's been a long way since the Commodore's Ball. I can hardly believe that the year is just about half over. I hope that you found it satisfactory, the few changes that we've put in place. The Board and Flag have worked hard on your behalf to make this Club of ours a better place. A lot of thank you's are to follow and I hope that you can bear with me, for every one of them is well-deserving. I would be remiss without first mentioning my rock, my counselor, the one who often bears the brunt of my frustration... my wonderful wife Beverly. Thank You. My Flag and Board of Directors are the best I've seen. There is never a meeting that they don't put their whole selves in the job they do. Each and every one of them. Thank you. What would we do without the participation of the Elite Brigade and members attending the work parties? Besides the work that is necessary to complete, it binds us together as one membership and develops bonds that last a lifetime. Thank you. If you haven't experienced working as opening manager, don't be fooled on how things just seem to get done seemingly overnight. A great big thanks goes out to PC Bob and Patti Watson for managing opening week this year. If piloting the Fin almost non-stop and accepting deliveries isn't enough, they were up to their elbows making sure all of the last minutes jobs were completed. My thanks to them, PC Tom and Judy McHugh, IT director Keith McGregor, and Linda Pagel and team, and all the rest that came up this weekend to help out. An angel, to say the least came to my rescue for the first scheduled work party. I had a huge family commitment that day. I also needed to feed close to a hundred hungry members attending the work party. Debbie Siwek and her girls, Anne and Julie, volunteered their skills at calming the hungry masses. They not only prepared, but served lunch that day with compliments still being heard about it all. Thank You. Of course my gratitude goes out to the First Mates and Ancient Mainers for the help and donations they invest in this Club of ours. If I haven't mentioned you for helping out, it's not because you were forgotten. I have a reputation to live up to as a Short-Winded talker. If I didn't get a chuckle out of you with that comment, then you weren't around for the "The Speech that Never Ended" I gave a few years back.
I hope that you all enjoy this season It was planned for you in mind. Make sure that you participate in these events. It's a sure way to meet and make friends.
Most of all. enjoy the celebration and remembrance this weekend. A lot of good men and women sacrificed their all for us to enjoy what we have now.
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