NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 6
Clubhouse - Rich Goodman There are a few things that need attention. I need two people to go under the kitchen floor to make repairs. This should be an easy fix to make the floor strong again. The leak from the drain has been fixed preventing further damage to the floor. The sound system is in need of attention. Discussion held on solutions. Rich will call a member who worked on it previously. Rich will purchase a new bull horn to have on hand for emergencies. Harbor & Grounds – Don Reiss Don brought up the problem with the walkway between the two Fins. The boards need replacing. A discussion was held about what type of material to use. It was decided to use treated wood since the current walkway has lasted for many years and it is more cost effective. Don suggested that we remove the hoist by the Fins. Pat indicated that the hoist is still used. It was decided to leave the hoist in place. Membership- Brian Malik Brent Malik gave a report on membership in Brian's absence. We have $122,850 in existing member dues. $9,100 dues for 13 new members at $700. $200 in general membership income. $1,600 work or pay dollars collected. ($2,200 lost from resigning members). $9,100 in initiation fees from the 13 new members at the introductory rate of $700. $900 in application fees for four members in waiting. Total of $143,750. Publications- Brent Malik Brent received a check from Philip Maniaci of Raymond James & Associates to advertise in the Beacon. Rich Goodman requested that Brent put a "High Five" in the Beacon for Zac Blackburn. He was a great help on the Club Island Rendezvous weekend. Secretary – Randy Pagel Randy will insert an addition to the weekend OD's and Week Managers manual to clarify the procedures for the cash drawers. Dockage slips for visiting yachtsmen paid to the week manager should be given to the weekend OD so they are aware of who paid. Selfridge is coming to the island on August 19. Randy is looking for a few people to help him cook for this event.
Supplies – Hugh Vestal
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