Thoughts From Acting NCYC Chaplain Greg Murray
“Remember with me that all our days are one in a lifetime day. Let’s live it, beautifully, gratefully, and passionately. Today I choose Grace over impatience, laughter over worry, and beauty over negativity. I hope you will join me in this thought”
And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. (Colossians 3:23)
Have you ever seen someone sweep a floor half-heartedly? The result is the opposite of the desired purpose—and it remains half finished. To do something well, you need to put your heart into it. One translation of Colossians 3:23 say’s, “Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men”. True enthusiasm comes from God. The Lord doesn’t want us sulking around, bored, and languishing at our tasks. He has a plan for every day; and as we tackle the projects before us—whether doing the laundry or building a skyscraper—we should remember we’re doing His will and fulfilling an agenda He designed for us.
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