NORTH CHANNEL YACHT CLUB Winter Storage Lease Agreement Page 1 of 2 Name______________________________________________________________ Contact Phone______________________
Storage Type (boat, camper, trailer)__________________________________________Length_________Beam___________
Vehicle License#______________________________ Boat MC#_________________________________________________
Vehicle Mfg._____________________________________ Make/Name___________________________________________
Insurance Co.__________________________________ Policy #______________________________
Storage Fee $_________________ Paid Check #_______________________ Email address _________________________ STORAGE FROM OCTOBER 20, 2019 TO MAY 3, 2020 North Channel Yacht Club (NCYC) lessee agreement as follows: 1. The storage unit may not be in the parking lot before October 20, 2019 or after May 3, 2020 . If the unit is not removed from the parking lot by May 3th, a $50.00 per week late fee will be charged. 2. Your name and/or unit license/MC number listed in this contract must be visible on the storage unit to identify the owner. 3. All leasing fees are due by the beginning of the storage period. If the lease is not received on or before the date for commencement of the storage period, this agreement may be terminated. 4. Lessee shall be solely responsible for the security, care and condition of the unit and all equipment shall be at the sole risk of the lessee. The unit shall be insured for liability with respect to persons and property and evidence of insurance shall be furnished to NCYC on request. Lessee waives and releases all claims against NCYC, its officers, members and employees for personal injury and for the loss and property damage from any cause and agrees to indemnify NCYC for any damage it may sustain for the reason thereof. 5. This agreement may not be assigned by Lessee nor applied to any other unit without written permission of NCYC. 6. Lessee agrees to comply with the rules and the regulations stated and such other reasonable rules and regulations as NCYC may publish from time to time.
North Channel Yacht Club Storage Rules and Regulations Lessee shall be responsible for: 1. Removal of all winterization fluids (oil, antifreeze, etc.)
2. Observance of all fire and safety precautions, with no fires allowed on the marina grounds and parking lot. 3. Policing the lesseeās area for trash and bagging of trash and placing in designated containers or area. 4. A vacuum sander must be used to collect residue when sanding bottom of unit. 5. Failure to comply with the terms, rules, or regulations of this lease agreement is grounds for termination of lease.
_______________________________ ____________ _____________________________________ _____________ Lessee Signature Date NCYC Officer Signature Date
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