September 2023 Beacon

A Message from Chaplain Mark Javery


Since the last Beacon was published it seems our membership is doing pretty well. I have not been made aware of any in our NCYC family who have been diagnosed with a new illness or that are currently in the hospital. Pray for those continuing to fight diagnosed illnesses and for those who have recently lost a loved one. I was on the island the other day and couldn’t help but notice maple trees in the area starting to change color. The air felt of fall as I finned back to my car. I felt, it’s sad we will be saying, “See you” to our NCYC family soon. I’m definitely going to make the most out of the weekends and our time together that’s left this summer.

God’s Art Gallery God’s world is full of beauty Everywhere our eyes may look, From the splendor of the ocean To the tiny babbling brook; The blue sky and the sunshine, Lovely seashells on the sand, Winging birds in flight and splendor, Colorful flowers to grace the land. Large oak trees that are swaying

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