2021 - May Beacon

North Channel P/C ABYA Report The ABYA held its first fundraiser in over a year, due to the corona virus. The event, Kentucky Derby Horse Races and Spaghetti Charity Dinner, was held at HPYC on April 11 th . A great turn out by ABYA member clubs and a whole lot of fun and great dinner was had by all.

Don’t forget the 2021 ABYA Spring Dinner Dance is fast approaching. The date is Saturday June 5 th , 2021 held at our own club, North Channel Yacht Club. Tickets are limited so act fast. Please contact me wmcalihan@aol.com or see the ABYA contact information on the flyer in the Beacon. The next ABYA General Membership meeting is May 3 rd , 2021 at AMVETS Post 121 in St. Clair Shores hosted by Y-Knots. Reservations are due by April 28 th . Dinner provided for $10. Contact me for menu and reservation by April 28 th . Other ABYA Events:  Detroit Power Squadron will hold its annual event, A one-day trip to Put-In-Bay, June 25 th for $92. This includes the Jet Express ride to the island. Watch for further information or contact me if interested.  Anchor Bay Power Squadron is offering free boat inspections. Call Dan Woody 810-434-2731 or Frank Fakult 586-747-8272.

Respectively submitted, Past Commodore Bill Calihan.

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