2021 - May Beacon
North Channel P/C ABYA Report The ABYA held its first fundraiser in over a year, due to the corona virus. The event, Kentucky Derby Horse Races and Spaghetti Charity Dinner, was held at HPYC on April 11 th . A great turn out by ABYA member clubs and a whole lot of fun and great dinner was had by all.
Don’t forget the 2021 ABYA Spring Dinner Dance is fast approaching. The date is Saturday June 5 th , 2021 held at our own club, North Channel Yacht Club. Tickets are limited so act fast. Please contact me wmcalihan@aol.com or see the ABYA contact information on the flyer in the Beacon. The next ABYA General Membership meeting is May 3 rd , 2021 at AMVETS Post 121 in St. Clair Shores hosted by Y-Knots. Reservations are due by April 28 th . Dinner provided for $10. Contact me for menu and reservation by April 28 th . Other ABYA Events: Detroit Power Squadron will hold its annual event, A one-day trip to Put-In-Bay, June 25 th for $92. This includes the Jet Express ride to the island. Watch for further information or contact me if interested. Anchor Bay Power Squadron is offering free boat inspections. Call Dan Woody 810-434-2731 or Frank Fakult 586-747-8272.
Respectively submitted, Past Commodore Bill Calihan.
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