2021 - May Beacon

Fleet Captain Beacon Report May, 2021

We type this update while watching the lovely April 21 st snow melt from the yard. Summer must be coming soon, right?

The cruise signups are well underway, and both of our destinations still have slips available in our group holds. If you plan on attending, please make sure that register soon so we can have a better understanding of the number of boats attending to finalize other arrangements.

RSVP for both cruises uses the same phone number - 800-447-2757. Well reservations are first come first serve.

 Lexington Group Code: NorthChannel2021 – July 23-25, 2021  St Clair Group Code: NCYC2021 – August 13-15, 2021

As a reminder, if you would like to attend the St. Clair cruise and do not have a boat or prefer to drive, please contact Scott directly at 586-530-8068 or email scott@agadvising.com.

We look forward to 2 great cruise weekends! Don’t miss out on the fun!!


Scott & Michele Goemmel NCYC Fleet Captains

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