2021 - May Beacon

From the Bridge – Rear

Commodore Brian Fringer

Rachel and I hope this find’s all the members of our NCYC family healthy and safe. We hope everyone had a great Easter holiday. As I write this article, it is only 9 days from our first Elite Brigade work party which is schedule to take place April 17th and will continue for the next three Saturdays thereafter. Our first work party is scheduled for May 15th. Please mark your calendars. On April 17th we will begin the task of preparing the club house and harbor and grounds for the up-coming boating season. Please contact Bill Burkhardt., Clubhouse Director and Tom Altobelli., Harbor and Grounds Director, if you have any specific skills in order to help them io prepare for the work weekends. Looking forward to seeing everyone this spring to get our great club ready for the up-coming season. RC B

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