2021 - October Beacon


October 2021

From the Bridge –

Commodore Glenn Nixon Sheila and I hope our members continue to be safe and healthy.

It is hard to believe we are just a few short days away from the Haul Out party! It has been an incredible season of fun and fellowship. Thanks all who participated and assisted with the Commodore's Golf Outing, Smoke on the Water and Polish Dinner. Every event was a resounding success! We are looking forward to Karaoke with P/C Don and Barb Vanover Friday evening, October 8, the final General Membership Meeting of the year on Saturday, October 9 at 1pm, and the Mardi Gras party Saturday evening, October 9. Costumes are optional. Please come and enjoy the band. We understand they are outstanding entertainers. We hope to have a good turnout. Thank you and good luck to the candidates in the upcoming election at the General Membership meeting. It is incredibly important part of our Club to have enthusiastic and dedicated members to look after the health and welfare of the Club and her Membership. Please don't forget we still have quite a bit of work ahead of us to close down the Club for the winter. At last count we had over 70 members that have not fulfilled their 8 hours requirement for

spring opening or fall closing for this year. We do not want to send bills to our members for missed work hours.

Glenn Nixon

Commodore - North Channel Yacht Club

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From the Bridge – Vice Commodore Dale Hall

I want to thank Commodore Glenn, Rear Commodore Brian, the Board of Directors and especially the First Mates

for everything we accomplished this past Labor Day Weekend. The music, the food and camaraderie was second to none. Attendance was outstanding. We have three big events scheduled for the remainder of our season and I encourage the Board of Directors to stay engaged through Haul Out weekend. We have worked well together this year and we need to finish the year strong for our membership. Thank you for everything you do. V/C DaleThank you, V/C Dale



A L L E G R A D E T R O I T. C OM ( 3 1 3 ) 9 6 3 - 3 6 0 0 N e w M e m b e r S H E L L E Y MU R P H Y s h e l l e y @ a l l e g r a d e t r o i t . c o m

A Message from Chaplain Mark Javery

NOTES FROM CHAPLAIN MARK JAVERY Please continue to keep member Gregory

Wojtalik, his wife Amy, their boys, and the entire family in your thoughts and prayers. Greg has had some positive progress but has a long road ahead. Also continue to pray for member Philip & Joni Maniaci’s son Joey. Joey has heart issues and is in need of a transplant. He is on the transplant list, is currently doing well, but it’s been a long five year journey for them. Heavenly Father we lift up Greg, Joey, and all those who are facing various illnesses. We lift up their families. Give them the hope and courage they need today and every day. Comfort their pain, calm their fears, and surround them with your peace. Amen

Psalm 30:2 (NIV) “LORD my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me”

Autumn’s Descent In dusty blues and rustic hues Her steps at first descend Then her hand sweeps all the land As glorious colors blend And, as we gaze at autumn’s blaze Which sets the world a-fire

It’s like a breath of Heaven on earth To calm us and inspire

The red and gold that we behold O’er-takes the green and brown And each hillside so far and wide Is decked in autumn’s gown The geese that fly across the sky In spite of autumn’s smile Have felt the call of chilling fall Within each lofty mile

Man can’t use or ever choose This perfect artistry Although they’ve tried with skillful pride To paint her pure beauty For up above a God of love Is in perfect control His touch will crown this glorious gown Which claims all nature’s soul

Janet Martin


Anchor Bay Yachting Association 2021 Charity Christmas Ball


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December 4 th , 2021

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Rochester Hills, Mi





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Position & Phone

Ellen Alcazar……………………..….………...PRESIDENT 248-444-8179

Sheila Nixon.....……….……….…….….VICE PRESIDENT 810-341-4789

Charrae Trocki......................RECORDING SECRETARY 586-214-2556

Kim Scicluna…………..…….………..………TREASURER 586-944-8153

Michelle Rybinski…....CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 810-923-7828

Colleen Hall…………………...MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR 586-536-4220

Susan Burkhardt.………..………PUBLICITY DIRECTOR 586-405-3792

Christa Betts….……………..………..SOCIAL DIRECTOR 586-216-2042

Jill Romatz…………………….…. BOATIQUE DIRECTOR 586-265-7793

Colleen Braun…....………………..…..PAST PRESIDENT 586-242-9698

NCYC Holiday Ornaments

If anyone is interested in ordering this ornament - it can be made as a keychain or a Christmas ornament or even a pendant. Please let me know (either design is available). Our Atlas Ornaments add the perfect touch to the Holiday Season. Customize your very own today. **While supplies last! Special pricing available Friday, October 1st through Sunday, October 31st at 11:59 PM MT or while supplies last! October 2021 Promo

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North Chann

North Channel Yacht Club Board of Directors - Regular Meeting August 16 th , 2021

Commodore, Glenn Nixon Commodore Glenn Nixon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was hosted at the NCYC clubhouse and through Zoom call in. Roll Call Secretary Gary Jialanella F LAG O FFICERS Present Absent Commodore Glenn Nixon x Vice Commodore Dale Hall x Rear Commodore Brian Fringer x D IRECTORS Transportation Thomas Lisowski x Harbor & Grounds Terry Steinmacher x Activities Dennis Alcazar x Treasurer Kevin Rae x Publications Melissa Winkler x Secretary Gary Jialanella x Membership Debbie Siwek x Supplies Al Douglas x Club House William Burkhardt x I MMEDIATE P AST C OMMODORE P/C Bill Calihan x A PPOINTED P OSITIONS Fleet Captain Scott Goemmel x Excused Board Recorder Doug Betts x Member Guest

Pledge of Allegiance


Approval of Agenda


Motion to approve August’s agenda Motion by: Al Douglas Second by : Debbie Siwek Motion : Carried by all

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August 16, 2021

Approval of July Meeting Minutes


Motion to approve July’s Meeting Minutes Motion by: Gary Jialanella Second by : Dennis Alcazar Motion : Carried by all

Commodore’s Comments

Commodore, Glenn Nixon

Sheila and I hope our members continue to be safe and healthy.

We are very pleased and grateful the season is going so well. The St. Clair Rendezvous was a huge success - good food, great band, fun golf scramble Saturday thanks to Sharon Javery and Kim Scicluna. Thanks to our Fleet Captains and all the members who helped, especially the omelet bar chefs! It was a really fun weekend. Thanks to everyone who participated in the pierogi making party. Susan Burkhardt did a great job making the whole event fun. We now have all the pierogi's needed for the Polish dinner on October 2nd all prepared and in the freezer. We have many more fun activities upcoming including the wine tasting event, Labor Day weekend with dinner and entertainment, Commodore's golf outing, Smoke on the Water, Polish dinner and haul out party. We look forward to an outstanding rest of the season!

Glenn Nixon Commodore - North Channel Yacht Club

Vice-Commodore’s Comments

Vice Commodore, Dale Hall

We would like to congratulate Commodore Glenn and his Lady Sheila for two great Rendezvous through July & August. This past weekend at St. Clair was an outstanding event and very well attended by NCYC members. The weather was perfect, the food was outstanding, and the entertainment kept the party going late into the evening on Saturday. These events continue to be very popular with our membership and we encourage all members to get involved. NCYC still has many great events planned this year with the sold-out Wine Tasting in August, the Past Commodore (PC) Beer Bust, the Commodore’s Golf Outing and Smoke-On-The-Water in the month of September. I would like to welcome Terry Steinmacher to the Board of Directors. Thank you, Terry, for your time and your willingness to get involved for the betterment of NCYC. Terry’s appointment to the position of Harbor & Grounds Director came in Mid-July and he has already jumped into several projects and had made great progress. Thank you, Terry, for your dedication to NCYC. Our Weekday Managers and the Weekend OD’s continue to work very hard to ensure a clean clubhouse and follow our cleaning protocols. The island has never looked better and the clubhouse air

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August 16, 2021

conditioning is providing some well-deserved relief for all our members. Please ensure that you, your family, and any guests that come to the island are feeling well and understand all our policies at NCYC. Also, ensure that they are cleaning up after themselves and not leaving a mess on the clubhouse tables or outside patio area. Tonight, we will be reviewing the list of volunteers that have raised their hand for next year’s Cash Reserve Committee, Board of Directors and Rear Commodore and I want to personally thank everyone that has volunteered. The volunteerism at NCYC continues to be very impressive with many new members stepping up to learn more about the club and getting involved. Please encourage everyone to get involved and “learn the ropes.” See you on the Island

Rear-Commodore’s Comments

Rear Commodore, Brian Fringer

It’s hard to believe that we are this far into the summer, we have a lot of great events coming up and we are looking forward to it. Thank you, Terry, for stepping up. Welcome and we look forward to working with you, you have made our team stronger.

R/C Brian Fringer

Financial Report

Treasurer, Kevin Rae

June and July’s Combined Financial Report: Total revenue in the amount of $115,001.30. Total expenses in the amount of $94,719.81 and Net income in the amount of $20,281.55 Motion by: Bill Burkhardt Second by : R/C Brian Fringer Motion : Carried by all

Make a motion to add Commodore Glenn Nixon, V/C Dale Hall and R/C Brian Fringer to bank accounts. Motion by: Kevin Rae Second by : V/C Dale Hall Motion : Carried by all

ABYA Report

P/C Bill Calihan

The ABYA has filled the position of Rear Commodore. Past Commodore Bill Bailey of Belvidere Boat Club has come forward to fill this position. We wish you all the best. ABYA upcoming events. Fall Fling September 10 – 12 held at St. Clair Metro Park. Metro Boat show September 16 th – 19 th . The ABYA will have an information table at the boat show. Save the date for the Christmas Charity Ball. December 4, 2021.

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August 16, 2021

The next General Membership meeting will be held at North Channel Yacht Club, Monday September 13,2021 hosted by Great Lakes Cruising Club. For dinner reservations contact Yvonne Murray at 810- 984-4500.



Anchor Bay Power Squadron are asking if they can have a picnic on August 25, 2021 with 4 boats and 20 people. Peter and Norma Frame are weekday managers and approved this. Motion by: P/C Bill Calihan Second by : Gary Jialanella Motion : Carried by all Anchor Bay Chamber of Commerce (Janice Degregory) would like to host a luncheon on Friday September 10, 2021 11:00am – 2:00pm for 25 people everyone would Finn over. Motion by: P/C Bill Calihan Second by : R/C Brian Fringer Motion : Carried by all



Dennis Alacazar

Dennis is working on the Kids Day financial report. Dennis is also working on finalizing the financial reports for the rendezvous.


Bill Burkhardt

The compressor did in the ice storage freezer. Repair quotes ranged from $2,600.00-3,300.00 a new freezer with tax was just over $4,000.00. The new freezer is installed and working properly. The roof leaks should be repaired. The cupola was power washed on the outside and vacuumed on the inside. The railing does need some repair work and the door and window trims need to be painted. Looking into setting up Equipment repair and maintenance programs for the HVAC system and kitchen equipment to hopefully minimize surprises in the future. End of report. 7/13 picked up 10 Adirondack chairs from Sam’s Club 7/19 met with V/C Dale Hall and assembled Adirondack chairs, 1 broke and was returne to Sam’s Club 8/12 met with Electrex to get a quote on changing out the breakers on the pedestals to GFI type (have approx. 128 breakers that need replacing: 50 amp, 30 amp, 20 amp, 1 blank, 1 50 amp plug 8/12 spoke with Bill Burkhardt and he informed Terry we had a new electric power washer on the island 8/15 Ron Braun and Dennis Alcazar helped Terry assemble 8 Trex chairs and 8 Trex bench’s that came in from Tom’s original order and distributed them throughout the island Harbor & Grounds Terry Steinmacher

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August 16, 2021

8/15 spoke with Tom Stackpoole and he told Terry we need to purchase 2 new heavy-duty carts for the island, Tom is also waiting on repayment for items that he purchased he also has to turn in his hours for July and August 8/15 spoke with Doug Betts and Kevin Verkest about designing the handrail out of stainless tubing on A Dock and Battleship Row. Both said they would work together to design and install. Terry will schedule a meeting with both to discuss what can be done and pricing 8/16 a meeting is scheduled with Labelle Electric to change out breakers, they cancelled and rescheduled for 8/18 8/16 called Rambo Tree service for an estimate on tree topping (voicemail says they are booked till October 8/16 spoke with V/C Dale Hall to get access to the bank account, waiting on Kevin Rae to meet Terry there. Terry has an estimate for the dock extension in the amount of $3050.00 there would be an additional charge of $200.00 for hinges. End of Report


Debbie Siwek

Beverly and P/C Edward McIntyre asking to be relieved of their work hours Motion by: Debbie Siwek Second by : P/C Bill Calihan Motion : Carried by all

Jim and Sandy Wunderlich are asking the board to accept their letter of resignation Motion by: Debbie Siwek Second by : Dennis Alcazar Motion : Carried by all

Debbie read Debbie DuVernay’s letter concerning Membership

Glen and Jennifer Franklin’s application request was returned to them

New Members Shannon and Ron Nagaj Motion by: Debbie Siwek Second by : Gary Jialanella Motion : Carried by all Robert and Tracy Richie Motion by: Debbie Siwek Second by : P/C Bill Calihan Motion : Carried by all

We currently have 201 boating members


Melissa Winkler

Please get your items for the Beacon in by the 26 th . Melissa is working on updating the website. Melissa has been talking to ABYA about updating their info in the Beacon. Melissa asked about continuing the tradition of putting the photo of a recently passed P/C on the cover of the Beacon. Melissa sent Kevin 2 additional checks for advertising.


Gary Jialanella

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August 16, 2021

Gary is still working through the week and weekend schedules. There have still been some no shows by some workers and Gary has sent them the policy on working your hours. An email was sent to the membership about the September meeting. End of report.


Al Douglas

The supplies train has been moving at a fast place. The supplies have been holding up really well. Al is looking into a money counting machine. Al is looking at donating a golf bag for a donation for Smole on the Water. Al is OD Labor Day weekend and is looking forward to a lot of fun. End of report.


Tom Lisowski

 Regarding the Fins not much going on at this time --- everything has been pretty quiet and that makes the Transportation Director pretty happy.  I received several calls in late June indicating Fin 3’s (The Stanley) engine was cutting out. After consulting with Darryl Campbell I by-passed the wiring of the oil pressure switch July 1 st and waited two weeks for any feedback. None was reported so I installed and wired in a new oil pressure switch June 15 th . No one has reported any issues so hopefully the engine cut out problem went away and all is well.  I changed the fuel filter/water separator in Fin 2 in late July. All three Fins now have changed fuel filter/water separators.  I met with P/C Randy Pagel’s contact Gary from Purvis & Foster, Inc. on July 15 th to look at replacing the bottom of Fin 2. I opened up the forward starboard flooring for inspection and was surprised to find that section of the bilge dry. Randy forwarded their repair quote to me and copied Dale Hall. They are estimating $59k to replace the bottom of Fin 2. The NCYC would need to remove the canvas top and it’s supports, engine housing, engine and drive train, gas tank and all seating and flooring. The bare bones hull would need to be delivered to Steel Mill Components in Warren MI. Painting of the boats new bottom is not included. This information is posted under the “New Business” section of today’s board meeting for discussion. I think $59K is a high quote and I estimated it would cost another $25K for new canvas top, new or rebuilt engine, drive train and new fuel tank. Glen asked about the engine in the pump shed. I contacted Darryl Campbell. He said that engine originally came out of Fin 2. He replaced it’s thrust bearing and crank shaft. It’s usable but it is a used old engine. Darryl said reskinning the bottom of Fin 2 would be a mistake. I think $59k to replace the bottom of Fin 2 is high. I will look for other solutions. Commodore Glen suggested I contact Mackie who built the boat to see what they might be able to offer. I will follow up on his suggestion.  I secured oil and oil filters for all three Fins and will change oil next month. End of report

Fleet Captain

Scott Goemmel

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August 16, 2021

The year is complete, and the trips were outstanding. Thank you to everyone who helped make them great. I will do a Fanout for St Clair this coming week. Lessons learned - it’s hard to predict the actual liquor consumption - depends on the mix of attendees. Future Fleet Captain’s having access to a car is important :). I am going to name this “The Calihan/Romatz Effect” :). I am finalizing the St Clair Activity Report and the summary below is likely very close to how this will reconcile for the year. I will do a final report for the next meeting after Dennis and I ensure we are fully reconciled. These are my estimates as of today..

Total Net Revenue $6,537.00 Total Expenses $6,234.21

  

Net Surplus $302.79

The total liquor/club supplies expense is $789.49, which will be reconciled with Al. I have sent Al the detailed listing for his review. The remaining expense balance ($5,444.72) was funded by Fleet Captain and Commodore which will be reimbursed upon finalizing the Activity Reports in the near future. I predicted a larger Surplus but required changes on the group in St Clair changed those estimates - back to the “Calihan/Romatz Effect” :).

Again, thank you all for your help and support!!

Harbor Master

As noted in the last report, we have come a long way in coordinating this whole process. I will be happy to spend time discussing and sharing my notes and templates with the inbound Harbor Master. This handoff will help us finalize the processes and lessons learned we developed and leveraged this year. Looking over the past 3 years, we average 2-3 busy weeks with the “Ohio” clubs visiting NCYC. Looking at some averages on the type of spending, these 3 weeks average an annual contribution to our club of $35,700. 59% if dockage, 41% is beverages and food. This excludes any new member contributions (we have a value proposition to Ohio), donations to our charities, and the boutique sales. If we were to successfully recruit 2 new members per year from these groups, this represents a cumulative $9.200 per year if the average tenure is 5 years. I can discuss more if the Board is interested. The key to continuing this revenue stream is aligning the week managers to these busy weeks. Thank you to the Braun’s who do a great job hosting large weeks! We do as well. So having one other weekday manager that enjoys the busier weeks will be helpful for this process. Michele and I are committed for the same 2 groups for 2022.

End of both reports

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August 16, 2021


1. Status of A-Dock extension project This project will be completed at the end of August 2. Update on new POS system - Supplies Director Al Douglas

2 new POS systems have been delivered to the club, the sales rep is working with Al to add all our items in the system. On September 17 th a call is set up to the board if they would like to join on how to operate the new POS’s. They are still working out some issues. They are still trying to set up payments via the website for membership etc..


1. Nominating Committee submissions – BOD vote to accept the slate of candidates – P/C Ian Blackburn P/C Ian Blackburn gave big shout out to the nominating committee.

Commodore V/C Dale Hall

Vice Commodore R/C Brian Fringer

Rear Commodore Scott Greenfelder P/C Rick Romatz

BOD Director Christa Betts Tom Lisowski Tom Martin Mike May

Tony Rybinski Debbie Siwek Terry Steinmacher Melissa Winkler

Cash Reserve Steve Kuhr Brent Malik

Motion to accept all candidates Motion by: P/C Bill Calihan Second by: Gary Jialanella Motion: Carried by all.

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August 16, 2021

2. Updated quote for last section of Robison seawall project – V/C Dale Hall V/C Dale Hall has the quotes, BP Marine has bowed out of any more work at NCYC due to his workload, Ron’s Marine gave an updated quote in the amount of $90,000.00 for an additional 126 feet of seawall, V/C Dale Hall said this quote is high. The first 100 feet of seawall cost around $50,000.00, in 2019 we replaced 116 feet at the cost of about $60,000.00. Dale reached out to another marine company to see if we can get a more reasonable quote, he will make some more calls for additional quotes. The discussion of waiting another year to make the repair in hopes that the price of steel will decrease. 3. Quote for repair of FIN II – Director Tom Lisowski Tom spoke to Darryl Campbell about reskinning the bottom of the Fin and they together think that it is an expense that will not be a long-term problem solver. The cost of replacing the Fin is about $150,000.00 - $250,000.00. On inspection of Fin II it was dry. Tom will work on some more quotes. 4. Member funding source for capital projects overview – Frank Corcoran For the past 2 years we have been running a $50,000.00 surplus, with the seawall extension we have used a large amount of that. Frank said in 2015 – 2016 the board approached the members for assistance in raising money for improvements. This was a successful program. When the board receives a bank loan, they required the club to carry flood insurance. Which is costly. Frank gave the board a promissory letter that was used in 2015 – 2016. This discussion is because of the expense of the Fin issues and the seawall issues. The club is currently in good condition, Frank was just giving options to the board if finances are needed. 5. Dues increase Dues have not been increased since 2011. They were raised $100.00 10 years ago to our current cost of $700.00. The membership must vote on this. The secretary would send out a communication to the members and it would be voted on at Haul Out. There is some discussion of raising the bar prices as well, the prices have not changed since 2018. Tabled. 6. By-Law – Requirements for running for Rear Commodore Current by-law: ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS The Flag Officers shall be Commodore, Vice-Commodore and Rear-Commodore. Only members in good standing who have been elected to and served a full term as Vice-Commodore, Rear-Commodore, or a full term as Director shall be eligible for the office of Commodore. Only members in good standing who have been elected to and served one full year as a Director shall be eligible for the office of Vice-Commodore and Rear- Commodore. Only members in good standing for at least two (2) years prior to taking office shall be eligible for the office of Director. Proposal for a new by-law will be presented to the by- law committee.

High 5’s


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August 16, 2021

Member of the Month

Member of the month needs to be published monthly in the Beacon.

Good of the Order

Commodore Glenn Nixon, P/C Bill Calihan, P/C Scott Bell, V/C Dale Hall, P/C Bill Hendricks, P/C Paul Jarvis, P/C Harley Burris and P/C Bill Bauer were all in attendance as the color guard at Cas Klapec’s funeral.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:18 pm Motion by: P/C Bill Calihan Second by: Dennis Alcazar Motion: Carried by all.

Next Meeting

Date and Time: Thursday September 9 th, 2021 7:00pm at NCYC

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2021 Well Seniority List BY WELL


Well No.







Charles Herr Bill Hendricks


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Charles Herr Brian McEvoy Jeff Edgerly John Dickson Terry Hart Greg Criner Steve Marten Dave Gronbach Bill Hendricks Brent Malik Larry Malik Ron Kemp Mark Busch Kevin Verkest Ian Blackburn Brian Roath

1992 2008 2009


Ron Kemp

3/26/07 4/2/07

John Dickson Larry Malik Brian McEvoy Jeff Edgerly Terry Hart Mark Busch Steve Marten Ian Blackburn

4/2/07 4/26/11

4/7/07 2008



2013 2016 2006

4/26/11 5/10/11


4/29/15 4/7/07 3/26/07 5/10/11

4/3/14 4/29/15 6/1/15 4/30/19 7/19/20 3/23/21 2016

Brent Malik Greg Criner

Dave Gronbach Dennis Biel Brian Roath Kevin Verkest



7/19/20 4/30/19

Dennis Biel Available Available

( Rev.6/22/21)


1 2 3


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12









Lake Level Link


I would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to all the people who made

the 2021 Commodore's Golf Outing & Dinner a success.

The ladies who helped at the golf course.

Debbie Siwek, Anne Siwek and Debra Jacott.

Our ticket seller who single handed sold 50/50 and raffle tickets,

Shelley Sweier

Chuck and Sandi Stroh who could not be with us for a generous donation.

There were 3 people who requested Hole sponsor signs.

The BIGGEST THANK YOU goes to Jill Romatz and her dinner crew

for the FABULOUS steak dinner.

Can't forget Bob Fringer who cooked the steaks to perfection.

And a final THANK YOU to the NCYC members who participated.

Without your support none of this is possible.

Diane French

Looking forward to seeing you on the island!

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